
Faster retopo'ing?

  • Tonttu

    Tonttu - 2007-08-16

    Thanks for taking your time to develop this cool app!

    I know there are a lot of people nowadays, who like the "sculpt -> retopo" -method of modeling. I'm especially interested in it, as I have a member of family, who knows the fine arts, but is not really computer oriented. She feels sculpting digital clay is really fun and easy compared to polygonal tweaking and can produce nice models for me.

    Gsculpt has special retopo tools, but I think they could be made more flexible and faster.

    IMO, these are the hit products in retopo right now:

    You probably have looked at them already. How do you feel about improving this aspect of Gsculpt?

    • Geoffrey French

      Geoffrey French - 2007-08-16

      I had heard of Topogun, but not DRaster.


      Must look into it.

      I know that the tools in Topogun would need a lot of work to implement, so I can't see anything like this happening for quite a while.

      Thanks for your compliments and interest though, they are much appreciated!



    • Tonttu

      Tonttu - 2007-08-16

      A feature like Draster Nex's "Quad draw" has been requested for so many modeling packages :). If you do a search in forums for Silo, Modo, Lightwave or whatever you will find people begging for it!

      As can be clearly seen in the Quad draw video, the execution is simple and powerful. I don't know how hard it would be to create the necessary algorithms or what the heck they're called :).

      You drop vertices on the model surface, then hover mouse over them and it decides in real time where it would build a quad, if you'd click. The vertices of existing polygons are included in the decisionmaking. There's also the option to just click to drop quads, even painting strips of them on the underlying model.

      If you can think of a way to implement this kind of "quad detection" scheme, you'll see some smiley faces for sure!


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