
SuSE 9.1 Segmentation Fault Error on Startup

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am trying to install gpredict on my SuSE 9.1 Pro system.  I first had a problem compiling with "make" as I was getting the  "too few arguments in function `longlat2locator`" error, so I downgraded from hamlib 1.2.1 to hamlib 1.1.4.  That change allowed me to compile and "make install" gpredict without any reported errors.

    My problem now is that gpredict crashes as soon as I type "gpredit" in the terminal window.  A small error screen pops up saying "Applicaton gpredict has crashed due to a fault error (Segmentation fault)".  An empty window labeled "Gnome Predict Configuration Druid" also pops up.  When I close the popup error window the cursor comes back in the terminal and it says "CONFIG NOT OK".

    I have been running "predict" and "ktrack", although I had to remove "ktrack" because it requires hamlib 1.2.1 and won't work with hamlib 1.1.4 which "gpredict" seems to require.  As a result I have two questions:

    1)  How can I avoid the Segmentation fault which occurs a soon as startup "gpredict"?  I haven't encountered this with any other programs.  I am running gpredict from the KDE 3.2 desktop and trying to start it in the terminal window.

    2)  I tried to compile gpredict- using the "--with-hamlib-cvs" option in the hope that it would then compile using hamlib 1.2.1.  That didn't work as I still got compile errors.  Doing a "./configure --help" I didn't see anything about the "--with-hamlib-cvs" option.  Is this option available in gpredict-  If possible, I would really like to compile gpredict- with hamlib-1.2.1 as the latter is needed by ktrack and some other software on my system.  Is there a way to do this?

    Gpredict looks like a great program.  I really hope you can help me to get it working in SuSE 9.1.  Thanks.

    • Alexandru Csete

      Alexandru Csete - 2004-08-03

      You should try to install the latest release which should compile fine with hamlib 1.2.

      Then, before starting gpredict, you should make sure that the correct GConf daemon is running. You can do that by executing the command

      gconfd-1 &

      before executing gpredict. The reason for this inconvenience is that most distribution come with GNOME 2 nowadays which uses gconfd-2 but gpredict still uses the GNOME 1 libraries.


    • John

      John - 2004-08-03

      Thanks Alex, I'll try that and report back to you.  One question, however.  I know how to use CVS to download the latest files, but when I do that I don't seem to get everything that would normally be in a tarball.  The key missing item seems to be "configure" which I need to start compiling the program.  I am pretty much a linux newbie, but please tell me how I go about compiling the program after downloading from CVS.  I already know to do the commands:
      make install (as root)
      but I don't know how to build configure or anything else that may not be in the CVS.  Please explain and I will give it a try.  Many thanks--John.

      • Alexandru Csete

        Alexandru Csete - 2004-08-03

        If you want to compile the CVS code, you have to run '' instead of 'configure'. This may fail on newer systems because the build files are quite out of date.


    • John

      John - 2004-08-03

      I just found the tarball you mentioned already built on the snapshot page.  I would still like to know the answer to my CVS useage question if you would be kind enough to explain it.  Thanks--John

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK I downloaded the tarball for  I had to install pkgconfig as it wasn't already on my system.  I modified the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include the path to hamlib.pc which is in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig.  I then was able to do:
      without errors.  I have hamlib-1.2.1 installed.

      The problem came when I su to root and did:
      make install
      This finished with the following error message:

      make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict-'
      Making install in po
      make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict-'
      /bin/sh `case ".././mkinstalldirs" in /*) echo ".././mkinstalldirs" ;; *) echo "../.././mkinstalldirs" ;; esac` /usr/local/share
      ../.././mkinstalldirs: ../.././mkinstalldirs: No such file or directory
      make[1]: *** [install-data-yes] Error 127
      make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict-'
      make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
      linux:/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict- #

      What is happening here?  I don't ever recall having any problems with make install, of course I have had problems with ./configure or make on some programs.

      I think I am getting close if you can help me out of this one.  Many thanks--John

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I downloaded the tarball for  I also had to install pkgconfig as it wasnt' already on my system.  I reset the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable to also point to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig where my hamlib.pc file was located.  I am running hamlib-1.2.1

      I then did:
      Without receiving any errors.  So far so good!

      After I did su to root I ran:
      make install

      Make install gave me the following error:

      make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict-'
      Making install in po
      make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict-'
      /bin/sh `case ".././mkinstalldirs" in /*) echo ".././mkinstalldirs" ;; *) echo "../.././mkinstalldirs" ;; esac` /usr/local/share
      ../.././mkinstalldirs: ../.././mkinstalldirs: No such file or directory
      make[1]: *** [install-data-yes] Error 127
      make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict-'
      make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
      linux:/home/jsnyder/Software/gpredict- #

      What is happening that I can't finish the install.  Please let me know and many thanks for all your help--John.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry the last post got in there twice.  My mistake.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I read some more posts and did the disable nls thing in ./configure and now I can do "make install" as root with no errors.

      I then tried to run gpredict but first ran:
      gconfd-1 &
      as you suggested in your first response above.  However, I still get that segmentation fault error that I mentioned in my first post.  Is there any way to clear up the problem so that I  can get it running on SuSE 9.1?  Many thanks--John

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      One more thought on this.  After running "gconfd-1 &" I brought up the running process table in SuSE and I notice that it lists gconfd-2 and not gconfd-1.  After playing around with it some it appears that executing gconfd-1 in the terminal always starts gconfd-2.  What do I need to do to get it to startup gconfd-1 so that I can run gpredict?  Thanks again--John.

      • Alexandru Csete

        Alexandru Csete - 2004-08-03

        This could very well be the reason for the crash. Unfortunately, I don't know what to do about it (I got this solution from someone having similar problems on debian and there it worked fine).
        Maybe you could ask on a SuSE user list?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I posted messages on several forums, also the gnome forum, but received no responses.  I am not sure what to do now as I have a number of other gnome based programs running from KDE and I have never encountered this problem before.  Is there any system log entries I might check (where would they be located on my machine)?  Do you know if anyone else actually got the program running on a SuSE system?  Is there anything else you could suggest or a different version I might try?  I would really love to get it working (predict with its clients and ktrack both work), but I just don't know what more to try.  Thanks.


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