

Jason Fuller David P. Chassin Nathan Tenney

GridLAB-D is a new power system simulation tool that provides valuable information to users who design and operate electric power transmission and distribution systems, and to utilities that wish to take advantage of the latest smart grid technology.


The editable MediaWiki is back online and can be found at:

User Resources

GridLAB-D Documentation
Topic index
Troubleshooting Guides
Bug reporting
User forums


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Develop national scale models of smart grid impacts
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Determine customers comfort, cost, and participation impacts
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Simultaneously model grids, loads, markets, and controls
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Model control systems and discover unintended consequences

Note: these images were created using Excel and Powerpoint from CSV output of GridLAB-D and information from the Wiki pages.

Project admins

Project Admins:


  • Victor Gutierrez

    Good day
    I am new in GridLAB-D and currently reading the documentation. In chapter 5 - Loads a file named: residential_load_basics.glm is mentioned. Does anyone have the file available to share with me?
    Thank you very much in advance.



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