

  • Paddysomnang

    Paddysomnang - 2018-06-09

    Dear everyone,
    I have run one file in GridLabd course-1_1 which is about the IEEE_37bus. I have attached the file below. First of all, when I run that file, the error appears like this

    ERROR [INIT] : object name '701-702' invalid, names must start with a letter or an underscore
    D:\AIT\GridLab-D\Module\gridlabd-course-1_1\Solutions\2.2\IEEE_37bus.glm(136): property name 701-702 could not be used
    D:\AIT\GridLab-D\Module\gridlabd-course-1_1\Solutions\2.2\IEEE_37bus.glm(134): load failed at or near 'object under...'
    FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after command line rejected

    Then I fix it by adding a letter before the object name. after that I run again, there are some error which appears like this
    ERROR [INIT] : init_underground_line(obj=44;a781-701): line:44 - a781-701 has a phase mismatch at one or both ends
    ERROR [INIT] : init_by_deferral(): object a781-701 initialization failed
    ERROR [INIT] : model initialization failed
    FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after simulation stopped prematurely
    FATAL [INIT] : environment startup failed: Invalid argument Model profiler results

    Could you help me with this error? I am using gridlabd-4.0_RC1 version.


    Last edit: Paddysomnang 2018-06-09
    • aro

      aro - 2018-06-10

      Hello Paddysomnang
      for this " ERROR [INIT] : object name '701-702' ", you can add

      #set relax_naming_rules=1;

      to your code.
      I looked at your code and I corrected them:

      clock {
          timestamp '2000-01-01 0:00:00';
          stoptime '2000-01-01 1:00:00';
          timezone EST+5EDT;

      and in line 471

      object node:781 {
           phases "ABC";
           name n781;
           //bustype SWING;
           voltage_A 2400.0000-1385.640646j;
           voltage_B -2400.0000-1385.640646j;
           voltage_C 0.0000+2771.281292j;
           nominal_voltage 4800;
      object recorder {
          property voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C;
          interval 1;
          file feeder.csv;

      now run the attached file.
      Hope to be useful

  • Paddysomnang

    Paddysomnang - 2018-06-10

    Hello aro
    Thank you for you help. The file IEEE_37bus.glm work right now. but there is still problem when I run feeder.glm file. The error appears like this

    ERROR [INIT] : init_underground_line(obj=44;a781-701): line:44 - a781-701 has
    a phase mismatch at one or both ends
    ERROR [INIT] : init_by_deferral(): object a781-701 initialization failed
    ERROR [INIT] : model initialization failed
    FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after simulation stopped prematurely
    FATAL [INIT] : environment startup failed: Invalid argument
    Model profiler results

    Class Time (s) Time (%) msec/obj

    ================ ======== ======== ========
    Total 0.000 100.0% 0.0
    Could you help me solve this problem please ? what should i correct to clear a phase mismatch like this ? Thank you.

    • aro

      aro - 2018-06-10

      Hello Paddysomnang
      feeder.glm corrected as:

      object recorder {
          parent node:781;
          property voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C;
          interval 0;
          file feeder.csv;

      and in IEEE_37 (here 37.glm) Call up feeder.glm

      #include "feeder.glm"
      • aro

        aro - 2018-06-10

        and use an "object recorder" in one place
        feeder.glm or 37.glm
        You do not need use that in both


        Last edit: aro 2018-06-10
  • Paddysomnang

    Paddysomnang - 2018-06-10

    Thank you aro for your help.


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