
Battery Charging and Discharging

  • Jacob Monroe

    Jacob Monroe - 2017-10-29

    GridLAB-D Community,

    I am trying to build a model to determine the impact of energy storage on voltage rise when a household has a grid-tied solar PV system. I am using the battery sub-model to do this, but I am having a problem with the way it is being charged. I am currently running the battery's inverter on LOAD_FOLLOWING, but this is not giving me the proper power flow that I am looking for.

    I have attached my GLM file to this posting. The problem is that power from the grid is being pushed into the battery, this is evident since the battery is charging beginning at midnight when the sun isn't even out yet. I only want there to be power flow from the solar PV unit to the battery, and from the battery to the residential end-user. That would seem to be an adequate scenario in a real system correct? Is there anything that I can do to prevent power flow from the grid into the battery?

    GridLAB-D 3.2.0-5368 (Jojoba) 32-bit WINDOWS RELEASE

    • Frank Tuffner

      Frank Tuffner - 2017-11-04

      Hello Jacob,

      Apologies for the delay in the response.

      If I'm following what you're asking, you're basically looking for a way to have the battery only supplement the house, and only charge if the PV is generating power.

      If that is correct, there's unfortunately, no default way built into GridLAB-D to do that right now. The LOAD_FOLLOWING mode you're using is meant to keep the flow on a monitored line (or the attached meter point) within a certain value. It's mainly meant for things like peak reduction on a feeder level (so substation-level storage). As such, when the charge threshold is tripped (assuming to be a period of low demand and sufficient capacity), it starts to charge the battery. You could potentially put the inverter off on a small line and set the thresholds to attempt to do that with said line, but I'm not sure if it would work properly.

      For what you are looking for, you'll likely need to either modify the source code to look at the solar object output, or control the battery charging externally. The latter option could either be some form of runtime code (, or via an external program, such as the MATLAB link (

      If you do modify the source code or create a runtime class, you're highly encouraged to branch off/do a pull request on the GitHub repository (, so it can be integrated into the main code for others to use.


  • Jacob Monroe

    Jacob Monroe - 2017-10-29

    Here is my simple base model. I really appreciate your help in advanced!!!


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