
Running a compiled version on console

  • Victor Gutierrez

    Hi all
    I have successfully compiled GridLAB-D using ticket 730. Then, I set up Eclipse to run GLM files and everything is going well. The problem is when I try to execute GridLAB-D from the command line interface (DOS). For example, when running the IEEE_4_node.glm file, the following error shows up:

    WARNING [INIT] : gridlabd.conf was not found
    ERROR [INIT] : gldcore/module.c(422): module 'powerflow' load failed - "powerflow.dll": The specified module could not be found.
    IEEE_4_node.glm(8): module 'powerflow' load failed, No such file or directory
    IEEE_4_node.glm(8): load failed at or near 'module power...'
    ERROR [INIT] : unable to load 'IEEE_4_node.glm': No such file or directory
    FATAL [INIT] : shutdown after command line rejected

    and similar errors appear when I run other examples from the command line interface. As I mentioned, when I run the same examples using Eclipse all work fine.

    Could you help me with this?

    Thank you very much in advance

    • Frank Tuffner

      Frank Tuffner - 2019-04-03

      Hello Victor,

      What you are missing is that the command line needs all of the things defined for it that you had already defined in Eclipse. Notably, the environmental variables GridLAB-D is looking for are missing. Inside the Eclipse instructions, you set up the GLPATH variable -- the same thing needs to be done on the command console.

      You can find details on what needs to be set, as well as some example "code" (a batch file) on the MSYS wiki page. I'm going to migrate that information to the MSYS2 instructions, but it will be identical. You basically need to set up the PATH variable to point toward the GridLAB-D executable, and the GLPATH variable to point to the /lib and /share folders (the CXXFLAGS is only needed if you plan to use the runtime compile feature). Once those are set, you can run GLM files from the command line without issue.


  • Victor Gutierrez

    Thank you very much.
    I did what you suggested and the problem is solved.



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