

nanotube Valentin Lorentz quantumlemur

Contains the contents of a message received from the IRC server, broken down into its constituent parts.


A string containing the nick of the person that triggered the method.


irc.reply('This method was triggered by %s' % msg.nick)

See also: irc.reply()

A string containing the host of the person that triggered the method.


A string containing the IRC user name of the person that triggered the method. This isn't the nick, it's the part marked by the blank in this hostmask: !__@.*


Contains the full hostmask (of the form nick!user@host) of the user that triggered the method.

See also: msg.nick, msg.user,


A tuple containing the arguments of the message received from the IRC server. Its contents differ depending on the type of message, but some patterns are in evidence:

TODO: may be better to just list these by message type. As it is, this is harder to parse and is probably incomplete.


Nearly always the place from which the triggering message came, so a channel name if it's called from a channel, or a nick if it's called in a query.

The exception is IRC messages that don't include a context, such as QUITs and NICKs. In that case, msg.args[0] contains the quit message or the new nick, respectively. See doQuit(), doNick() for more information.

def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg):
    if msg.args[0] == '#someChannel':
        irc.reply('I just heard someone talk on #someChannel!')

See also: doPrivmsg(), irc.reply().


Nearly always contains the text of the message. One exception is MODE changes, in which case msg.args[1] contains the actual modes in question (like "+o"). See doMode() for more information.

def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg):
    if irc.nick in msg.args[1]:
        irc.reply('hey, someone just highlighted me!')

See also: doPrivmsg(), irc.reply(), irc.nick.


Present in a MODE changes, and KICKs.

For mode change, contains the target(s) of the mode change. For kicks, contains the kick message (msg.args[1] contains the target of the kick).

def doMode(self, irc, msg):
    if irc.nick in msg.args[2]:
        irc.reply('oh my, I just got my mode changed!  Someone did %s to me!' % msg.args[1])

See also: doMode(), doKick(), irc.reply(), irc.nick.


Contains the type of message, for example "PRIVMSG", "NOTICE", "JOIN", "PART", "QUIT", "MODE".

msg.tag(string, object)

This is a method dedicated to internal mechanism of Supybot, that sets the tag (a string) to the value (an object)


Array used for internal purposes.


Wiki: Msg_object