


Gribble Command List

This Page was generated 15 April 2010 02:20 UTC

A Brief Description of each command will be added as time permits.

  •  ?
  • about
  • action
  • add
  • alert
  • alias
  • announce
  • announce add
  • announce list
  • announce remove
  • aol
  • apply
  • apropos
  • author
  • azn
  • ban add
  • ban list
  • ban remove
  • binary
  • bold
  • bot
  • boturl
  • businesshours
  • cache
  • calc
  • cand
  • capabilities
  • capability add
  • capability list
  • capability remove
  • capability set
  • capability
  • setdefault
  • capability unset
  • capitalize
  • ceq
  • change
  • changename
  • channel
  • channels
  • channelstats
  • cheer
  • cif
  • cmd
  • color
  • colorize
  • command
  • commands
  • concat
  • config
  • connect
  • contributors
  • cor
  • cpu
  • crypt
  • ctell
  • current
  • cut
  • cxor
  • cycle
  • default
  • defaultcapability
  • defaultplugin
  • dehalfop
  • deop
  • devoice
  • dict
  • dictionaries
  • direct
  • disable
  • disconnect
  • do
  • doctype
  • driver
  • echo
  • enable
  • errno
  • export
  • facts
  • fetch
  • field
  • fight
  • fit
  • flush
  • forecast
  • forget
  • format
  • fortune
  • ge
  • get
  • ghost
  • give
  • giveout
  • gnu
  • google
  • gt
  • halfop
  • headers
  • hebrew
  • help
  • hexlify
  • hostmask
  • hostmask add
  • hostmask list
  • hostmask remove
  • hug
  • identify
  • ignore
  • ignore
  • add
  • ignore list
  • ignore remove
  • info
  • insert
  • invite
  • ircquote
  • jeffk
  • join
  • kban
  • key
  • kick
  • last
  • latency
  • le
  • learn
  • leet
  • limit
  • list
  • lithp
  • load
  • lobotomy
  • add
  • lobotomy list
  • lobotomy remove
  • lock
  • logmark
  • lower
  • lt
  • lucky
  • match
  • mode
  • moderate
  • more
  • morse
  • nceq
  • ne
  • net
  • netcraft
  • networks
  • nge
  • ngt
  • nick
  • nicks
  • nle
  • nlt
  • nne
  • notes
  • notice
  • oobhresponse
  • op
  • outfilter
  • part
  • password
  • pet
  • petuser
  • phonebook
  • pid
  • ping
  • plugin
  • pong
  • private
  • progstats
  • quit
  • rainbow
  • random
  • rank
  • reconnect
  • redo
  • register
  • reload
  • remove
  • rename
  • reorder
  • replace
  • replies
  • reply
  • repr
  • restore
  • reverse
  • rot13
  • rss
  • say
  • scramble
  • search
  • separator
  • server
  • set
  • set password
  • set secure
  • sflaconica
  • show
  • shrink
  • shuffle
  • size
  • smack
  • source
  • spell
  • spellit
  • squish
  • stats
  • status
  • stripcolor
  • success
  • supa1337
  • swap
  • synonym
  • targetproject
  • tell
  • threads
  • title
  • topic
  • translate
  • trigger
  • unban
  • underline
  • undo
  • undup
  • unhexlify
  • unidentify
  • uniud
  • unload
  • unlock
  • unmoderate
  • unmorse
  • unregister
  • unrename
  • upkeep
  • upper
  • uptime
  • urlquote
  • urlunquote
  • username
  • vacuum
  • version
  • voice
  • weather
  • whatis
  • whoami
  • whois
  • wp
  • wtf


Wiki: Using_Gribble_on_Sourceforge