
Can't upload into imgur, get error "API no longer available"

  • azz

    azz - 2016-07-29

    Good day. Today can't upload any image to imgur. After click to imgur button I see popup with text "Communicating with Imgur. Please wait...". I wait but nothing happing. In log I see error:

    2016-07-29 10:27:06,108 [Imgur History] WARN  - [GreenshotImgurPlugin.ImgurUtils] Imgur URL was null, not retrieving thumbnail.
    2016-07-29 10:27:06,108 [Imgur History] INFO  - [GreenshotImgurPlugin.ImgurUtils] Retrieving Imgur info for nSq2kUW with url
    2016-07-29 10:27:21,627 [Imgur History] ERROR - [GreenshotImgurPlugin.ImgurInfo] Could not parse Imgur response due to error: (500) Internal server error., response was:

    and html code after "response was:"
    The page tell me, that "API no longer available":

  • azz

    azz - 2016-07-29

    Now, works both version with out error in log :)
    I will continue test.


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