

Yogesh Pandey

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  • Yogesh Pandey

    Yogesh Pandey - 2012-10-16

    Green cloud: A versatile sensor based precision agriculture system, interlinked via global server with benefits of exchange of agricultural data and analysis for prediction of better agricultural practices.

  • Yogesh Pandey

    Yogesh Pandey - 2012-10-16

    The Green-cloud can be described in one block diagram as follows:

    As referred from the block diagram, there is a central global server which does the work of global database management along with providing complex analysis services for the users (farmers, scientists) through the client machines and the public access web portal. The existing agricultural databases throughout the world can also be used for inference purposes and their data may also be updated by our server. The meteorological servers can be accessed for climate data.
    This server-client architecture mandatory in present and even near-future circumstances as the client machine has to be low-power and low-cost for the feasibility of the system in Indian context. Therefore, the complex analysis (Expert system analysis in accordance with world-wide data) has to be done on server. A server-less system is not feasible in Indian context since it will require fault-less internet connection for distributed processes and there will be extra overload on the client machines.
    The environment data is collected via sensors which are optional, since aggregate meteorological predictions can also be used for this, though they are less accurate and lack in the no. of variables of farm environment they describe. The control equipment is then automatically controlled on the basis of the data taken from sensors and server. Farmer’s/user interface is in the form of a touch-screen for providing analysis as well as management services. The client machine interacts with the server via the internet.
    The components of this diagram are described in a sequential manner in the succeeding pages.


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