
GreatCOW / News: Recent posts

Another new, small software release 0.10.5

* Another new, small software release 0.10.5 was deployed to our test and production web servers on Friday, March 9, 2007.

* The web site is not yet ready for prime time, but it is getting closer. So we decided to remove the password protection. What the heck. We have introduced a simple new layout on the web site.

* In addition to the dot-com site, we have also introduced a brand new dot-org web site for the development team: read more

Posted by mark 2007-03-12

Minor release 0.9.1 deployed to production

A minor release 0.9.1 has been deployed to the production server at The graphics, of course, will be changed in the near future to match the new domain name.

To see the web site, the User ID: guest, Password: guest.

The following task items have been deployed with the new release this software to production server:

[ 1662846 ] Change the project's external domain name
[ 1659269 ] Upgrading to XWiki 1.0.0... read more

Posted by mark 2007-02-19

Our Very First Release GreatCOW 0.9.0 is now available.

GreatCOW project is quite possibly the first ever social network designed and implemented in pure Java (J2EE). Our first release is rather basic, but nevertheless fully functional.

The release 0.9.0 of this web application can now be downloaded and installed on any standalone machine (platform independent). Detailed installation instructions are available on our production web server (user: guest, pass: guest) at... read more

Posted by mark 2007-02-16

Password to our Web Sites

We would like to create our project web site here, on SF, but we are still awaiting the time when the shell service becomes available (it is dead as of this writing).

In the meantime, please feel free to peruse our external web sites to see the extent of the current application development:

1) Main production server and web site (with significant amount of documentation under the "Help" tab): (user: guest, password: guest) ... read more

Posted by mark 2007-02-14

Opening the shop

Yesterday was an exciting day for us. We were accepted as an open source project here, at sourceforge. Today, our main web server was being moved to a different data center. We have spent most of the day today restoring all services and configs. Tomorrow, I need to learn more about the toys here.

Posted by mark 2007-02-13