
GReader2X / News: Recent posts

Version 0.4 Released

Version 0.4 has been released, it includes the new Audio player, international character sets and improved word wrapping.

Posted by Coder 2007-05-17

Feature set frozen

As GReader2x approaches the release of Version 0.4, I've decided not to add any more features, any work from now until the release will just be bug fixes.

The features added since the last release are:

Key combinations. you can now use two or more keys in conjunction to perform an action, for example the new music player is displayed by pressing Volume up and Volume down together.

Music player. This will play all of the MP3 or OGG files in the given directory. Volume can be changed whilst reading a document as well as within the Music player display.... read more

Posted by Coder 2007-04-30

Beta Testers

I'm currently adding UTF-8 Support and need multilingual people to beta test it.

If you'd like to help test it, mail me at



Posted by Coder 2007-04-20

Version 0.3 released

Version 0.3 has been released, it includes the following:

* Background images
* Multiple keys for each action
* Gutenburg paragraph collapsing
* New progress bar
* Page Up/Down works in file selector
* Text Justification
* Screen rotation
* Zip archive handling

Posted by Coder 2007-03-23