
Remote Connection Manager / News: Recent posts

More updates

I have added more fixes for little things that were not working properly. RDP connection window items should update based on saved or new values. Also added a copy button so you can copy a connection. I had to have several new ssh connections and thought a copy function would be handy. I plan on adding a new view, so you can transform the icon list into a listview. I am in no rush, not sure how many people even use this app, so if you do let me know. Also let me know what features you would like to see.

Posted by Edward Mann 2011-04-29

Another Beta release

This is a new beta release that fixes port issues with SSH, and icons that were missing. I have a few more things to test before i release 2.0.0 and start working on the new 3.0.x release.

Posted by Edward Mann 2010-11-12

New Features added

I have been working on the code and have added in some new features. We now have view support, so you can create a view based off tags you gave your connections. Also you can search those tags. I also just committed code to the repo that allows you to launch a connection by name from the command line. This will be the last release before the next major release. I will be working on session management so grcm gui will change allot.... read more

Posted by Edward Mann 2010-02-13

Alpha release comming soon

I have been working on adding in all the cool features that people want into grcm. I have been using it on my work machine and it's doing pretty well. I have noticed some crashes, and will be trying to fix the bugs. I want to get an alpha out so others can help me test. Right now there is no import method for you current connections into the new version of grcm. However there will be before the 2.0 release is out.

Posted by Edward Mann 2009-07-01

To all users

I am banging away on grcm. Allot of the feature requests are being worked on. I have the gui part done for the default connections. I have been moving the code away from gnome and making it more gtk. I have some users on BSD and gtk would be easier. I have also moved the code from libglade to gtkbuilder. I have been learning allot, but my goal is to have a beta release by the 27th of this month. I have been working every night on the project, i am thinking about taking time off work to work on this more. I have also been working on a new website for the project. So i have been really busy with grcm, and i am very excited to get it stable so i can use the new features. ... read more

Posted by Edward Mann 2009-05-07

New grcm 0.1.6

We are pleased to announce the availability of grcm 0.1.6. This release marks the start of new developers working on grcm.
This release fixes minor issue with building on Fedora 9.
We have also create RPM packages for easier installation.

We have also moved the version control from CVS to subversion.

And new release 0.1.7 should be out in a few days.

Posted by Edward Mann 2008-06-07

New version 0.1.3 - Release candidate

Added many new features:
Preferences dialog
Sorting of connections
Configurable terminal program
Main window popup menu
Added an icon
Added a desktop entry
and fixed a few bugs

Posted by Steve Przepiora 2003-02-15

New Release

Release 0.1.2 has been uploaded, go to the files section to download.

Posted by Steve Przepiora 2003-02-02