
GRASP / News: Recent posts

GRASP for R 0.4-3 available

I updated GRASP for R to work with the latest R release (1.9.1). The release will also soon be available for Windows and on CRAN. The update contains some minor bug removal, an updated GUI where all non-working things were removed and the functions that link GRASP for R to GRASS have been updated.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2004-08-09

GRASP for R rewritting

I'm completely rewriting GRASP for R to better fit into R. I decided this after reading some books on R and statistics. The new version will probably be tagged 0.5. You can try it using CVS. I will post a method to download CVS on the home page soon. The most important feature that will be added by rewriting all the stuff is that you will be able to do the modelling completely from the command line interface. I realized that it did not work well when I tried GRASP for R on a remote computer. I will also try to post a roadmap on the home page soon. Target is to release a stable version 1.0 this summer, especially for the GLM/GAM workshop that will be held in Switzerland this summer ( GRASP for R will now follow a typical Linux version system. Even release numbers are stable, ods are unstable. If you have questions, contact me : fabien.fivaz(@)

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2004-03-01

Release of GRASP for R 0.4-2

Version 0.4-1 has a bug. It shows an error when you set options for the first time. The new release fixes this bug. It has also some minor new features, for instance, when selecting responses or predictors from the GUI, it doesn't show the index and coordinates anymore.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-12-12

GRASP-R 0.4-1 released

Today, the new GRASP-R package has been released (version 0.4-1). It has many bug fixes and new features, for instance lookup tables. For that purpose, you can also download ArcView scripts to read the lut files and predict from ArcView.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-12-07

GRASP-R trial data changed

Thanks to some people that pointed to a bug in the trial data. I just submitted a new version.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-09-23

GRASP common website and development

As some of you maybe know, GRASP-R is the port to R from a package first written for S-Plus: GRASP-S. It joined the sourceforge website so that you can find the latest dump file, manual and trial data for the S-Plus version. The development of GRASP-S is far more achived than for GRASP-R. But I hope this will change in the future, by integrating into the R version all the interesting new functions of the S version.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-09-23

New release of GRASP-R

GRASP-R 0.3-4 is out. It fixes a startup bug that people pointed out. The 0.3-3 version has a bug. Don't use it anymore. It willl stay in the files for archivation purpose.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-05-19

GRASP-R example added

In the Files section, you can find an example to use to test GRASP-R. It consists of three text files containing the YYY, XXX and XXXpred variables. Use read.table() to import the files. Warning : the function does not work, I found a bug in it. I'm trying to fix it...

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-03-05

Site dedicated to R and GRASS

I found a site holding a lot of informations about how to work and integrate R inside GRASS 5 GIS. It's a short introduction to Geostatistical and Spatial Data Analysis with GRASS and R statistical data language, made by Markus Neteler ( By the way, a new version of the GRASS package for R is available. Look at for details.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2003-02-26

GRASP-R now supports GRASS

GRASP-R now supports GRASS functions in release 0.3-3. Remember that GRASS is an opensource GIS project (look at\). To use the functions, you must download the GRASS library for R from CRAN (look in the devel package list) and install it. Then run GRASS with the grass5 command and FROM THE GRASS PROMPT, launch R, load library grasper and launch grasp.GUI(grass.on = TRUE). Enjoy!

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2002-12-11

GRASP-R project admitted in the CRAN repository

Yesterday 10 december, 2002, the GRASP-R project has been accepted as part of the r-project. Visit for details. All further update will be sent to Sourceforge AND CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) in the future. You can then update GRASP-R directly from R using the update.packages() command.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2002-12-11

PDF manual pages

The first manual pages, you can also find when using the package in R, have been released in PDF format. The pages describe each function, with arguments and limitation.

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2002-12-10

Welcome to GRASP-R

GRASP-R has been hosted by for one day now. Thanks to the sourceforge people for hosting the project. In the next days, some help will be posted for people who don't really know how to start using GRASP-R. For details, visit the home page at You can also visit the R home page at

Posted by Fabien Fivaz 2002-12-10