
#11 GraceGTK: Explorer size

Sait Umar

Hi, I could not find any way to initialize the size of the GraceGTK: Explorer windows. There is a line in
gracegktrc but I am not sure what it does but it has no effect on the size of the window. Thanks for
working on this application and the gtk3 version.


  • Patrick VINCENT

    Patrick VINCENT - 2021-05-20

    The GUI line in gracegtkrc is just to set the place, not the size. Presently, in the GTK2 version, there is no option to fix the size of the window: you must add a line in the C source of ge_explorer_popup() to change the default.

    In the GTK3 branch, a default is set in the glade/ file (common page), but work is in progress on this branch to remove a lot of bugs and sync with the GTK2 one.

  • Sait Umar

    Sait Umar - 2021-05-20

    Thanks, setting ge_width=740 in src/ge.c solved this problem for me. The other confusing issues with the explorer window are:

    1. The string boxes for all the elements are too far from their titles e.g. "Axis X". Most students keep clicking on Axis X expecting a string box to open to no avail. Perhaps if they are closer to the titles it would open.
    2. After typing, say, an axis label hitting Apply button erases the typed in label. Only hitting Return accepts the label. Most gui conditioned people are not used to hitting return and get frustrated.

    Looking also forward to GTK3 version. I am not a c C programmer (Fortran scientist!) otherwise I would help. Thanks!



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