
#1 Maximum time between tcx and gpx?


How do I determine the max distance between the tcx trackpoint and gpx waypoint? Where do I find this information?



  • Christian Reiter

    I'm sorry, but I don't get what you mean by maximum distance between TCX and GPX waypoint?

    This tool is intented to be used with Garmin watches without GPS, so there's no geolocation information in the TCX file, so there can't also be a distance between both.

    You can adjust a maximum time divergence between the timestamp of the TCX and GPX file.

    Here ar some details:
    The tool always tries to find the best matching GPS location for each data point in the TCX file (this is done by searching for the GPS location with the smallest time difference relative to the TCX data point). In addition to this behaviour, the offset setting is some kind of "cut-off" mechanism. If you set the offset to 30 seconds for instance and there's a data point in the TCX file at lets say 10:00.00 o' clock, then the tool will only add a GPS location to this point if it is within 30 seconds before or after the data point. In this case the GPS location must have a timestamp in the interval between 09:59.30 and 10:00.30 o'clock. I'd recommend to stick with the default value here or use a setting which is about two to three times of the data collection interval of your GPS device.

  • Christian Reiter

    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)

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