The gputils-1.4.0 has been released. The source code package is available at gputils-1.5.0.tar.bz2 and gputils-1.5.0.tar.gz. Windows 32bit setup package is at gputils-1.5.0.exe.
gputils 1.5.0 includes the following enhancements:
Extension of ERROR and MESSG: These directives - inside of the parameter string - recognize and execute the #v() macro.
New directives: __badrom, assume, elif, elifdef, elifndef
New gplink feature: Remove the unnecessary Banksel and Pagesel directives.
The errorlevel directive accept number ranges. E.g. +303-310 or -303-310
The gpvo utility use the disassembler to decode the program memory sections.
The gplink save the local RAM symbols to COD file.
The ".direct" directive - inside of the parameter string - recognize and execute the #v() macro.
The length of source file names in COD file, now 256 bytes long instead of 64 bytes. The gpvc utility thereafter also able to correctly detect the shorter names.
The inc and lkr files are synced with MPLABX 3.35
If you find regressions or other bugs, please report them to the bug tracker on SourceForge. Feel free to give feedback on the gnupic mailing list.