
#56 Overwrite GPS tag only, if it is worse than GPX

Requirement (3)
Uwe Girlich

I've been improving one of my scripts that makes use of geotagging info
that is now written by my camera.

What I'd like to do is to use the gps tagging in the picture if that
information has a smaller time delta than the delta between the picture
time (corrected for timezone) and the nearest GPX waypoint.

The idea is basically to use GPX files to improve geotagging, but I
never want gpsphoto to force a gps location from a GPX point that is
less accurate (in time elapsed) than the tag that is already on the
picture itself.

Currently, I can do this by calling gpsphoto on each and every picture
one per one and give a --maxtimediff secs option.
This works, but it's very slow since I have to call gpsphoto with a
different --maxtimediff that I computed myself.

Would you consider improving gpsphoto to first look at the gps
information that may already be in the file, and only replace it if the
GPX file actually has a nearer point in time?


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