
#994 Nikon J3 - overrides set exposure time


When using gphoto2 aganist a Nikon 1 J3-camera, for some reason it is not possible to capture an image with settings on camera, when camera is set to manual mode. The summary reports "sports" when selector-wheel on top of camera is set to the position where manual is available. The image seems for some reason to be captured on 1/125s-1/80s.
I am able to change shutterspeed on values f004 and f007, but regardles if shutterspeed is set here or in the menu, the same problem appears.

Summary and debug from capture-image attached.

Btw. My goal is to use the software for capturing images to a timelapse shot at night, with shutterspeeds between 5 and 15 seconds (havn't deceided yet).

2 Attachments


  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2014-12-20

    There is also expprogram2 aka PTP_DPC_NIKON_1_Mode (0xD038) which reports the setting from the camera.

    Are you able to change f004 and f007? how did you see the relation to shutterspeed?

    i see similar , that the change does not reflect things on camera

  • bih

    bih - 2014-12-21

    When camera dial-selector is turned to "Creative mode", that's what they call the spot where you are able to select "manual" and other "programs" in the menu, 0xD038 tells you what program selected. I have tried the different values and 3 makes the camera switch to "Manual".
    I have just tested random numbers to f004/f007. When posting "-30" the value is set to "226" in the summary. On the camera it sets exposuretime to 30 seconds. Have also tried a lot of other numbers, and got the camera set ut other exposeure times.
    When using the camera after unplugging the USB the camera uses the values set from gphoto prior to unplugging the cable.
    I see the changes in the display on camera after unplugging the USB from the camera. The screen is shut down when connected to my Pi.
    Could it be the 500e who is reported wrong? There is no "Sport"-program direct selectable from the dial.
    I'm not familiar with what gphoto sends back when using capture or trigger, but if the 500e value is used - and is wrong...


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