I have problems with my EOS 5D III, and remote focusing.
I can only set focus in one direction, and that is "Near 1", "Near 2", "Near 3".
When I try "Far 1", "Far 2", "Far 3" I get an "unspecified error"
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=0 ( OK )
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=1 ( OK )
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=2 ( OK )
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=3 ( OK )
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=4 ( Error )
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=5 ( Error )
set-config /main/actions/manuelfocusdrive=6 ( Error )
It's the same problem when using Entangle and Darktable for tethering.
What could be the cause ?
Opensuse 15.1
Gphoto2 2.5.24
can you get a debugging logfile of the errors?
I ran this command to get the logfile, but then discovered that the log file was in danish.
So I added "env LANG=C" to the command :
,and the "manualfocusdrive" errors disappeared :-) , so it seems that the problem is that I should run gphoto2 with the prefix, env LANG=C ?
But how do I run Entangle and Darktable, which uses Gphoto2, and keep Danish in the GUI ?
I have attached both the danish and the english logfiles.