
Tree [508590] master 3.00.02 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 gpg-remailer 2014-04-22 Frank B. Brokken Frank B. Brokken [508590] Fixed missing substitutions in the man-page, re...
 sf unknown
 .gitignore unknown
 README unknown
 excluded 2014-04-22 Frank B. Brokken Frank B. Brokken [508590] Fixed missing substitutions in the man-page, re...
 sourcetar 2013-12-14 Frank B. Brokken Frank B. Brokken [b33436] streamlined sourcetar

Read Me

    This is the top-level directory of the remailer program source tree.

    The directory `sourceforge' is probably not useful for anybody but me, but
since it serves an important role for me in uploading the `remailer' docs to
sourceforge, they belong to this remailer. The same holds true for the

    To create a source archive, run


    This will create an archive named like remailer_1.45.tar.gz. 

    To create an `upstream debian archive' provide sourcetar with an (any)
    argument. E.g.,

        ./sourcetar d

    This will create an archive named like remailer_1.45.orig.tar.gz

    The numbers will of course follow remailer's version.

    To create the program from its sources, either descend into the remailer
    directory, or unpack a created archive, cd into its top-level directory 
    and follow the instructions provided in the INSTALL file found there.