
Timing between separated video and audio

  • Skua5000

    Skua5000 - 2015-03-24

    Hi all,

    I have a video.mp4 file (with H.264 essence) and a audio.mp4 file (with HE-AAC essence) and I would like to dash them both using the same segment duration.

    I use "MP4Box -dash 1000 -frag 1000 -out out video.mp4 audio.mp4

    The resulting video segments store 25 video frames each since it is a 25 fps source video. This is good. The audio segments all store 47104 samples (with a timescale of 48000).

    I understand that due to the constant length of AAC frames, MP4Box can not put exactly AAC frames with a total duration of 1000 ms. However, it seems problematic that in every segments there are "too less" AAC frames. This results in a growing drift between the video and audio dash segments when transmitting them together.

    Is there a way to tell MP4Box to generate for some segments a "little too less" AAC frames and for other segments a "little too many" AAC frames, so in average there would be AAC frames with a duration of 1000 ms.

    Are there other ways to solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2015-06-30

    We're working on that, you can test with the dash_avg_duration branch of our git;