
MP4Client video dump without video play

Afroz Khan
  • Afroz Khan

    Afroz Khan - 2014-10-29

    I have the url for a video which I can play with Mp4Client. Is there any command I can issue so the streaming video is dumped to a file only and does not launch and play in the player? I am in Ubuntu 14.04. Appreciate your help.

  • Cyril Concolato

    Cyril Concolato - 2014-11-28

    It depends on the type of video URL. Is it a URL to an SDP, an MP4, an MPD, an MPEG-2 TS ... ?

  • Jagadeesh Dyaberi

    If the video url is to an MPD, whats the option?


    Last edit: Jagadeesh Dyaberi 2014-12-02
  • Cyril Concolato

    Cyril Concolato - 2014-12-02

    Sorry I misread your initial email. I did not read the part about "without video play". This is currently not possible, without playing. However, if you're willing to play you can configure the player to keep the files in the cache. See


  • Jagadeesh Dyaberi

    Thanks Cyril. I guess I need to frame my question correctly. For a research project, we are trying to launch multiple mp4clients on the same machine. However the cpu usage is very high and hence can barely run a few clients per machine. So trying to reduce the cpu usage by just downloading the file and not decoding it. We will simulate the player play by using a timer. So any way we can disable the decoding process. Any pointers in the code we can look at would be helpful.

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2014-12-19

    you can have a look at the dash client engine in libgpac, check include/gpac/dash.h. The client is not connected to the player, you can easily build a small test app that runs the dash client and discards the segment. You may also have to setup different caches if you want all instances to always download segments, otherwise some of the clients may use files already in the cache (other possibility is to use memory storage for segments).