
Goozzee Release 0.13.2

Another minor release.

Well, not so minor: apart from fixing various bugs here and there, it brings a new feature: it's now possible to pre-define some reports. Each report definition describes the layout of the report, and the various topics that must be used to build it. When saved, this report appears among the list of documents of the topic, as a reguler document. And when one opens such a report, it collects the needed topics, and generates a ready-to-print document.

The user interface of this reporting system is still pretty basic -- it will surely improve in the future -- , but it's already powerful and stable enough to be useful. See the user manual for more details about it.
Apart from that, it's now possible to do stuff -- like open, check-out, unlink.. -- on multiple documents at the same time.

Some 'keep-alive' thread has also been added. It's invisible, and runs in the background. Its goal is to prevent Goozzee from being disconnectd from Mysql. So now, you can leave Goozzee running on your computer for days...

What's more, for people willing to give Goozzee a quick try, the setup is now a bit easier : there's no need to define a connection to a repository. A default single-user database is pre-configured. So, from now on, when you run Goozzee for the first time, you just start the program and click OK on the login screen, and voilà.

And finally, the default ugly colors have been replaced by some (hopefully) better ones.

That's it for this time. I hope the next release won't take another 10 long months.

As usual, comments, bug reports, ideas, critics are very welcome !

Posted by Michel Laglasse 2010-11-19

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