
#3 Right click menu to init a phone call

TBA 1.2

I am sure you are already working on something like this but here I go anyway.
I think it would be nice to have a customizable list of phone numbers/contacts available when right clicking on the voice tray icon. Choosing a number/contact from that menu would initiate a call to them from whichever real phone specified in preferences or perhaps have a submenu on each contact to choose one of your available pre-configured phones to call from.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I like it. I'm sitting on a feature freeze until I get 1.0 out, but that's a great idea.

  • M^3

    M^3 - 2009-11-11

    My Menu Mock-up

  • M^3

    M^3 - 2009-11-11

    When is your goal for 1.0 (approx)? I won't hold you to it, just looking for an estimate.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-11-11

    I've got at least 1 more bugfix release in the 0.9 series. if that doesn't get any bug reports in 3-4 days, i'll merge in my 1.0 branch (which is code cleanup and documentation) and do a 0.99 release. If I managed not to break anything, 1.0 will be a few days after that.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-11-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jimduchek
  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-13
    • labels: --> Interface Improvements
    • milestone: --> TBA 1.2
  • Jimmy Cao

    Jimmy Cao - 2010-04-05

    I hope that this is implemented too. I have gizmo5 and I love making/recieving free calls via google voice.


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