
googsystray-1.2.0-100215 Calendar Reminder

  • stimulus2da

    stimulus2da - 2010-02-16

    Everything work fine until it tries to display a calendar reminder, then this error pops up and it crashes.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "googsystray\GIcon.pyc", line 695, in update_icon
      File "googsystray\GIcon.pyc", line 778, in update_icon_full
      File "googsystray\GNotification.pyc", line 134, in notify
    KeyError: 'type'
  • stimulus2da

    stimulus2da - 2010-03-01

    I am still getting this same error as of 1.2.0-100301 on my Vista x64 machine.  Haven't tried it on my 32 bit machine yet.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-03-01

    Should be fixed once the nightly build goes off tonight

  • stimulus2da

    stimulus2da - 2010-03-05



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