
Golf Club Web / News: Recent posts

Version 1.0.5 now supports SMTP AUTH

Golfclubweb can now send emails through an SMTP server that requires authentication. See the README regarding the two new settings mailserver_username and mailserver_password. Note, if you do not have a SMTP server available at all, simply comment out mailserver_host and golfclubweb will not attempt to send emails out.

Posted by John Mazzitelli 2011-02-12

Golf Club Web league software v1.0 released!

The initial v1.0 project release has been completed for Golf Club Web.

This is a production/stable release allowing for a small golf league to set up match and stableford competitions as well as provide handicap calculations and score storage/retrieval/reporting

See for links to the download and a live demo.

Posted by John Mazzitelli 2005-05-26