
Planeto / News: Recent posts

Test phase

Test phase is currently running and I am balancing the game and fixing bugs. Simultaneous network game is already successfully established!

Posted by nilsbeckmann 2009-05-24

Deadline for release: 1 Mai 2009

The first release of "The Golden Dawn" may be finished in under 100h of work from now on. So we've put the deadline for public release to 1st Mai 2009.

Posted by nilsbeckmann 2008-12-05

Graphic Artist Needed

Things work pretty well now, the game code is finished. - All I need now are several graphics for the game. I'm looking for somebody who enjoys creating some graphics. - Sure he/she will be remarked as graphical artist of the game. Please don't hesitate to contact me for further information!

Best regards

Nils Beckmann

Posted by nilsbeckmann 2008-10-10