
GokuChat / News: Recent posts

0.2.5 on the way!

After being away for a bit, i'm back and workin on a few new features as well as bug fixes and some internal changes. Please check for more infomation and updates.

Posted by Jack Mays 2003-03-16

0.2.4 Released

This release is primarly a bug fix. Please report any problems by submitting a bug report.

Posted by Jack Mays 2003-01-06

Third BETA released

The third beta has been released. This release is primarily a bug fix over the laster version. A few new features are included. Check the changelog to see what's new.

Posted by Jack Mays 2002-12-24

GokuChat on Sourceforge

GokuChat just got registered to Sourceforge.. I hope to hve updates weekly. Please subscribe to to recieve the latest updates on when new versions are released and for other important information.

Jack Mays

Posted by Jack Mays 2002-09-25