
GoFish Gopher Server / News: Recent posts

GoFish 1.1 Released

Maintenance release.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2005-10-22

GoFish 1.0 Released

This is mainly a bug fix release. After over a year and a half since the last update, I think we can consider it stable.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2004-12-09

GoFish 0.29 Released

This release mainly cleans up the html in the gopher to http gateway. You can also turn off the htmlization of gopher pages.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2003-05-25

GoFish 0.28 Released

Mainly a cleanup release. With some patches from Folkert van Heusden and Ying-Chieh Liao.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2003-04-16

GoFish 0.27 Released

This is a bug fix release for people using the select call. If you are running Mac OS/X or have an arm processor, you should upgrade.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2003-01-11

GoFish 0.26 Released

This is just a minor update.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-12-17

GoFish 0.25 Release

The default gopher root has changed from /var/lib/gopherd to /var/gopher.

There is now a configure --with-gopheruser=USER.

Slackware package.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-12-09

GoFish Two-Four Release

This is mainly a cleanup release. All I/O is checked more closely, especially for EINTR. The log rotation was fixed up. However, the log file must be in the chroot jail for the log rotation to work.

Note this is a source only release. I would like as many people as possible to try building the release. If you have problems building the release or cannot (maybe you do not have a compiler installed on
your server), please contact me.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-11-29

GoFish 0.23 Released

The big news is that Gergely Nagy has produced a .deb package for GoFish. In the process, he cleaned up the configuration. GoFish now honours the SYSCONF and LOCALSTATEDIR variables and has a new GOPHER_ROOT variable. You can now also specifiy the non-priveledged user by name with the `user' config variable.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-11-17

GoFish 0.22 Released

This release contains a major memory leak bugfix. Everybody who uses the http server of the http gateway should upgrade.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-11-14

GoFish 0.21 released

Version 0.21 of the GoFish Gopher Server has been released. Recent releases of GoFish can be used as a simple web server; this is an http cleanup release. GoFish is designed with security, performance, and low resource usage in mind.

I have fixed up the error messages. I also fixed up the log messages.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-11-10

GoFish 0.20 Released

This release stabilizes the web server. I have tested all week and then when I went live Nov 1, found a problem. If a user specifies a directory without a trailing /, you are supposed to send back a 3xx
code and point him to the directory with a /. If you do not do this, relative URLs are broken. Sighhh, gopher is so much cleaner.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-11-02

GoFish 0.19 Released

This is mainly an update to the web server part of GoFish.

* bugfix if file was substring of another file with valid selector
* improved the mkcache type guessing heuristics
* added virtual hosts to config
* added combined log format
* added experimental support for mmap_cache

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-10-26

GoFish 0.18 Released

This is an incremental update from 0.17. http error messages are now correct. Some rearch to make the code cleaner.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-10-21

GoFish 0.17 Released

This release adds some web server features and cleans up the URL handling.

It also have better mime support via Apache mime.types style files.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-10-18

GoFish 0.16 Released

There is a small security fix in this release that affects the 0.15 release only. If an accept failed, the server was left at root privilege until the next successful accept. While at root privilege, the server would allow access to any file in the chroot jail. If at all possible, don't leave files you don't want the public to access in the chroot jail.

I received a patch from Goetz Hoffart, so people using select should be able to compile now. Thanks Goetz!... read more

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-10-15

GoFish 0.15 Released

This is a cleanup release that will hopefully lead to a 1.0 release.

The setuid policy has changed. The old code just dropped privileges
while opening files. There was a bug that did not drop privileges
while opening http files.

Rather than fix the bug, the setuid was moved to after
initialization. Now GoFish runs at dropped privileges *except* while
accepting new connections (which must be done as root). After
accepting a new connect, it drops to the non-root user.... read more

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-10-04

GoFish 0.14 Released

This release is mainly a feature release. However, there is a majour bugfix for large files.

Everybody should upgrade due to the large file fix.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-09-29

GoFish 0.13 Released

The 0.13 release contains a very important poll() bug fix. Everybody should upgrade to this release.

Posted by Sean MacLennan 2002-09-27