
Game Object Language (GOaL) / News: Recent posts

GOaL Bugfix 0.1.1 released

This link will download the files you need to patch GOaL Release 0.1 or the latest CVS. Just copy the files in the patch zip to the correct places in the GOaL directory structure and it will be ready.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2003-11-13

GOaL Alpha 0.1 released

The first alpha of code from the GOaL project has been released. Newer code is available from CVS.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2003-11-07

GOaL Map Schema 1.2 released

GOaL's mapping schema has been released in it's 1.2 version.
Also we have a roadmap/ coding guide to GOaL and will be releasing a Parser and GUI editor hopefully by June.

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2003-05-30

GOaL schema and docs released

The GOaL XML-based schema, documentation, and sample files are available for download in SIT and ZIP archive formats.

More GOaL coming soon!


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2003-01-15