
Gnutella (P2P) Experiment System / News: Recent posts

gnutfinger 0.1b released

gnutfinger 0.1b is out.

It is a beta version whose stability and features are well developed.
Against the last 0.0 release there are major changes in the code base in a very modular design. It is already ready to be usable to plugin to a gui.

Further features included in this release are:

+ fake file support.
+ experiment setup archivation
+ experiment setup reexecution (to monitor the measurement changes in a long run perspective) by repeating the experiment setup frequently.... read more

Posted by Alexander Sack 2002-06-25

fake file support in cvs

A brand new feature, enableing experiments to offer any kind of file, is now checked into cvs.

The next release will include this feature...



Posted by Alexander Sack 2002-05-12

gnutfinger_0.0 released

This first release covers some basic experiment framework allowing to efficiently create experiments for the hosts. It connects to the limewire gnutella coreapi to access the gnutella network.
It includes three sample Experiments that need a mysql database to perform the finger operations.

Posted by Alexander Sack 2002-04-23