
How to produce areal map?

  • ocb168

    ocb168 - 2005-08-03


    I would like plot some data as areal map but not sure how to do it. Below is my script :

    set view map
    set title 'Depth in meters'
    set style data pm3d
    set style function pm3d
    set palette
    set xlabel "X coordinate"
    set ylabel "Y Coordinate"
    set pm3d at s
    splot "data.txt" using 1:2:3 w pm3d
    pause -1

    230600.5 582483.9 8.70
    230607.5 582466.6 8.40
    230614.6 582449.3 4.40
    230621.5 582432.0 5.70
    230628.6 582414.8 -7.00

    It work if I changed the splot to splot "data.txt" using w points. I would like to see the Z axis as depth in color palette. Can anybody help to explain ? Thanks alot


    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      The script is mostly fine (although I'd try it without the empty "set palette").  The problem is most likely with your datafile.  For pm3d to make an "area" out of your data, it needs for the data to describe a surface.  For that, you have to give it the data in what gnuplot calls "grid structure".  See "help splot data" and "help glossary".

    • ocb168

      ocb168 - 2005-08-04


      Thanks a lot for the pointer. Found my answer.


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