
GnuFS a framework for storage of data / News: Recent posts

Project site

Now we started to code our project site, that you can visit on

We have also made our first commitment to the cvs yesterday. That's the news for now!

Posted by dikatlon 2007-04-23

Project take over?

Well I got the e-mail of a project takeover. Well I may say that the project has been not so much active. As I see WinFS API implementation being way far too complex to innovate - some things seems to be unecessary. I actually have a running environment with OpenFS API - the api is just working with singel relations right now nothing more. As I am taking driver license I have been a little bit busy. So, anyway If I am busy - this is a project I want to continue to work with. Any questions?
Well you know how to contact!

Posted by dikatlon 2007-03-03