Hi, to all the GnuCOBOLl gurus a question.
I have the following string C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddd\e\fffffff
I would like to get with a cobol statement the string
and then the string
and then the string
and then the string
For the moment I solved by looping through the string one character at a time from right to left. putting a blank until I meet the '\' character. But the question is as follows.
Is it possible to obtain this same result in a simpler way with an instruction or with a cobol function?
(the unstring does not seem to me suitable).
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
You should get a minimal better performance if you loop until you find the next "\" and then MOVE SPACES TO field(strpoint:) instead of moving a single space each time.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
>>SETSOURCEFORMAT"FIXED"IDENTIFICATIONDIVISION.PROGRAM-ID."test". * A C function should be (much) better than this sh*t :-) * Well, this is a sample anyway (and it's fast) !!!ENVIRONMENTDIVISION.CONFIGURATIONSECTION.SPECIAL-NAMES. * CALL-CONVENTION 74 IS WINAPI.REPOSITORY.FUNCTIONALLINTRINSIC.DATADIVISION.WORKING-STORAGESECTION.78 NLVALUEX"0A".*> Helpfull on a single DISPLAY :-)78 MAX-PATHVALUE240.*> This is the maximum length of a Windows file path *77 i BINARY-LONG.77 jBINARY-LONG.*> Pointer used for INSPECT ... TALLYING77 kBINARY-LONG.*> Intermediate value to set a new length to 'sPath'77 cSepPIC X.*> Separator character77 nSepPIC 9.*> # of separators found77 nTokBINARY-LONG.*> Token to be found * This string *MUST* be defined with variable size * We are going to mess with it a *LOT* (using 'nLen)77 nLenBINARY-LONG.01 sPath.*> Directory with MAX-PATH characters03 PIC XOCCURS1 TOMAX-PATHDEPENDINGnLen.PROCEDUREDIVISION.Begin-Program.MOVE "\"TOcSep.*> Default token separatorMOVE7 TOnTok.*> Target token # (from right to left)MOVEMAX-PATHTOnLen.MOVE "C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddd\e\fffffff\\"TOsPath. * <--------------------------------------- Tokens counted from right to leftMOVESTORED-CHAR-LENGTH(sPath)TOnLen.*> Ignore trailinh spacesINSPECTsPathTALLYINGnSepFORALLcSep.*> # of backslashes foundDISPLAY"# of separators found: "nSepNL"Original String: '"sPath"'"END-DISPLAY.MOVEREVERSE(sPath)TOsPath.*> Reverse the string (we are going backwards!!!)DISPLAY"Reversed string: '"sPath"'"NLEND-DISPLAY. * LOOPING THROUGH THE STRING USING TOKENS (words between separators)!!!PERFORMVARYINGnSepFROM1 BY1 UNTILnSep=nTokMOVE0 TOj*> Initialize tally pointer (this is a must before each INSPECT ... TALLYING) * END-MOVEINSPECTsPath*> How much back backslashes do we have NOW ?TALLYINGjFORCHARACTERSBEFOREINITIALcSep * END-INSPECTMOVEREVERSE(sPath)TOsPath*> Reverse the string again for readability * END-MOVECOMPUTEk=nLen-(j+1)*> The string length should be smaller (or not)END-COMPUTEIFk>0 *> If all goes well ...THENMOVEkTOnLen*> ... the string size have been changed accordinglyDISPLAY"Tally# "nSep": "jNL"String: '"sPath"'"*> We use quotes to be sureEND-DISPLAYEND-IFMOVEREVERSE(sPath)TOsPath*> Back to straight format * END-MOVEEND-PERFORM.End-Program.GOBACK.ENDPROGRAM "test".
I'll not take any responsibility for any virus this code may have :-)
I have rolled my own 'dirname' and 'basename' functions which work fine but are really no more efficient than what you mention - looping from the end of the string back to the first seperator or position 1.
But even though that sounds inefficient consider this: iterative work is what computers do well and they do it very quickly. Unless you have a job that processes millions of strings, saving a few pico-seconds here and there is not worth spending 3 days writing the most efficient function known to man.
It took me decades to come to that realization but maybe I'm just hard-headed.
Good Luck in any case ...
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
This is just for future reference on a dirname, basename. And it really is cheating, I guess. But if counting cycles is not the priority (seriously, initiating this FLI is not cheap)
Now a slightly more readable cut, but I'll admit to flailing a little. Python running on POSIX doesn't easily create Windows friendly demonstrations. You can't force a Windows style filename on a POSIX system, even if it just for display, at least not that I've found yet.
*>-<**> Author: Brian Tiffin*> Dedicated to the public domain*>*> Date started: December 2018*> Modified: 2018-12-30/23:07-0500 btiffin*>+<**>*> pathsplit, leverage Python to split a pathname into parts*> Tectonics:*> cobc -xj pathsplit.cob*>>>SOURCEFORMATISFREEidentificationdivision.program-id.pathsplit.REPLACE ==newline==BY ==&x'0a'&==.environmentdivision.configurationsection.repository.functionallintrinsic.datadivision.working-storagesection.01 indexespic 9.01 indexerpic 9.*> Hard to show the Windows conversions when running on POSIX01 pathname.05 value "c:/dirname/nested/filename.txt".proceduredivision.pathsplit-main.*> turn on exception reportsmovepython(4)totallydisplay "Starting with """pathname""""displayspace*> split a path, normalized for Windows, into a python listdisplaypython("import os, sys"newline"spec = sys.argv[1]"newline"windrive = os.path.splitdrive(spec)"newline"norm = os.path.normpath(windrive[0] + windrive[1])"newline"parts = norm.split(os.sep)"newline"COBOL = parts",pathname)displayspacedisplay "Each part:"displaypython("COBOL = parts[0]")displaypython("COBOL = parts[1]")displaypython("COBOL = parts[2]")displaypython("COBOL = parts[3]")displayspacedisplay "Each part from a loop:"movepython("COBOL = len(parts)")toindexesperformvaryingindexerfrom0 by1 untilindexer>indexes-1displaypython("COBOL = parts[int(sys.argv[1])]",indexer)end-perform*> Unsure how to best demo a Windows filename on POSIX Pythondisplayspacedisplay " ... more cross platform learning to do ..."display "Drive spec (will be empty on POSIX system)"displaypython("COBOL = os.path.splitdrive('c:\\top\\file')[0]")*> Can't fudge it, it seems (this is Python 3, 3.4+)display "Explicit build of Windows path, may abend on POSIX"displaypython("import pathlib"newline"pathlib.WindowsPath('C:\\WINDOWS\\FILENAME.TXT')")*> There is a way, somewhere in Python stdlib space, I'm suregoback.endprogrampathsplit.
prompt$ cobc -xj pathsplit.cob
Starting with "c:/dirname/nested/filename.txt"
['c:', 'dirname', 'nested', 'filename.txt']
Each part:
Each part from a loop:
... more cross platform learning to do ...
Drive spec (will be empty on POSIX system)
Explicit build of Windows path, may abend on POSIX
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/pathlib.py", line 1002, in __new__
% (cls.__name__,))
NotImplementedError: cannot instantiate 'WindowsPath' on your system
The C: is taken as part of the root in the POSIX case, but I was trying to mix something that doesn't want to mix given the OS the demo ran on.
Excuse the drift
Have good,
Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2018-12-31
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I understand the novelty of being able to solve the problem by invoking other languages, but wouldn't it be just as easy to write a simple function in GC? I've found that mixing languages within an application is not without its risks. And future maintenance can be a problem if the alien language changes or becomes obsolete.
Even without the benefit of dynamic strings, GnuCOBOL has more than enough string functionality to perform this simple task. The user function can be made as simple or complex as the application needs. And like all good COBOL code, it can be used in all future applications.
Last edit: Rod Gobby 2018-12-31
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
And I was serious about the performance hit. If you profile or trace Python startup, it hits the filesystem something like 1,300 times as it searches for base imports; a very expensive routine that could be written to compile down to a few dozen machine instructions.
And yep, there should be more shareable COBOL library functions. And there are probably thousands of in-house closed COBOL solutions for breaking a pathname into components. Free software COBOL craves developments for public consumption.
I'd wager that COBOL as a good 40 years behind in sharing core algorithm code, relative to other standard and user written library archives. The vast majority of COBOL is closed, not discussed, and used in one shop at a time, debugged over decades. Repeated from scratch for each of thousands of shops.
So, we start in and try to add a couple of handy modules each; 10 years later it might look like a thing. Maybe,
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Eons ago, when I worked with 1960's mainframes, I quickly came to realize that, except for very rare situations, there is nothing to be gained in counting cpu cycles spent in user code. Even back then, we figured that at least 80-90% of the time was spent plodding around in the OS. Who knows what it is today, especially when OS code tends to be written in a high level language rather than Assembler.
Back in the mid 80s I patched the MS-DOS COBOL-80 runtime, with lots of assembler code, to enhance the SCREEN SECTION features and to replace the built-in ISAM with my own isam software. Speedwise, it made no difference.
These days, I replicate missing features using the same language that I'm using for the application. So now I'm using COBJAPI (lots of graphics overhead, no doubt) instead of a screen section, and my in-house isam is written in GnuCOBOL. And by adding about 10 lines of code to a module I can turn it into a class.
And guess what? I doesn't make any difference. My programs still work, my customers are still happy, and the sun still rises in the morning (except in Ontario, where we haven't seen the sun in months).
Last edit: Rod Gobby 2018-12-30
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Thanks a lot to all of you but ... the question was different , as follows.
"Is it possible to obtain same result in a simpler way with only a cobol verb or with a cobol function? "
No matter of code performance ... just to have a simpler cobol source (if possible).
As I said "for the moment I solved by looping through the string one character at a time from right to left, putting a blank until I meet the '\' character ".
This is the code (from GC54FILEPICKER.COB in contribution\trunk\tools\TUI-TOOLS folder):
01 wDIR-Ind pic 9999 value zero.
01 wDIR.
03 wDir-Ele occurs 256 pic X.
perform DirectoryUp thru DirectoryUpEx
move 256 to wDir-Ind
if wDir-Ele(wDir-Ind) = '\'
move space to wDir-Ele(wDir-Ind)
go to DirectoryUpEx
move space to wDir-Ele(wDir-Ind)
compute wDir-Ind = wDir-Ind - 1
go to DirectoryUpLoop
DirectoryUpEx. exit.
quite simple to write and to understand from anyone.
My goal is to have something like
inspect wDir
replacing trailing "any character" by space
before initial '\'
or at least something like
functionreverse(wDir)inspectwDirconverting'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\' to space before initial '\'functionreverse(wDir)
If (as I understand) the verb INSPECT is not already suitable for that,
may be we can develop a GnuCOBOL extension ?
or (better) may be an extension to be proposed to a new COBOL standard ?
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Sure Laszlo, I know.
however, it would be an unnecessary function if there is a solution with the cobol verbs.
this was my question.
I got the idea from the various posts that were sent (thx to all of you) and after some tests I found a solution that seems to me simple and clean.
I will show you here the source code cobol for those interested.
program-id. INSPECT1 is initial.
01 wDIR pic x(60) value 'C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd\e\fffffff\g\hhhhh'.
01 wInd pic 999 value zero.
display wDIR at 0101 accept omitted
perform varying wInd from 3 by 1 until wInd > 10
*> following 4 lines are the solution ***********************
move function reverse(wDIR) to wDIR
inspect wDIR replacing characters by space before initial '\'
inspect wDIR replacing first '\' by space
move function reverse(wDIR) to wDIR
*> ***********************************************************
display wDIR at line wInd col 01 accept omitted
display wDIR at 0101 accept omitted
move reverse(wDIR) to wDIR
perform varying wInd from 3 by 1 until wInd > 10
inspect wDIR replacing characters by space before initial '\'
inspect wDIR replacing first '\' by space
display reverse(wDIR) at line wInd col 01 accept omitted
I do not know why but strangely this does not work but it should
(the compiler reports syntax error, may be is it a bug ?)
inspect reverse(wDIR) replacing characters by space before initial '\'
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I've already used an older version of GC from Arnold Trembley and it runs as expected!
MM@PIMM64A: set_env
Setting environment for GnuCOBOL 2.0 RC-2 with MinGW binaries
(GCC 5.3.0, PDcurses 3.4, GMP 6.1.1, VBISAM 2.0)
cobc (GnuCOBOL) 2.0.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Ron Norman, Simon Sobisch, Edward Hart
Built Dec 05 2016 02:28:01
Packaged Nov 06 2016 22:36:19 UTC
C version "5.3.0"
Edit: Original post - which will be in email, elided as not on the right track
Yes it should work, and I'm pretty sure the root solution is adding a parser option to some verbs with source fields in the syntax, and let the compiler allow source field or function.
At least that is first guess at how complex adding function sources to the verbs that don't currently compile with intrinsics would be.
Or, it could be a delicate beast of a change to the parse tree, with delicate and exponentional effect on the generated parser.c and I'll admit trepidation in the not knowing.
This is really nice code by the way, Eugenio.
Umm, hrmm,
There is a REPLACING action, here. Intrinsic function results are not in-place modifiable as far as I understand, they are not receiving fields.
My orginal post was a recollection of long past days; the syntax for that inspect will allow for function result as source data, but the compiler is not allowing a write back to the transient result data space.
I think.
Have good,
Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2019-01-02
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Well, resuming, "He has made a big shi(f)t" meanwhile!!! Chronologicaly, the older screenshot from 3 hours ago is the very same I got "now". The problem came after the "screenshot". So, ...
TEST, TEST AND TEST!!! And then, test again!!! As if I was going to do that, meh :-)
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
program-id. dsplyslash2 is initial.
01 wDIR pic x(255) value 'C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd\e\fffffff\g\hhhhh\iiii\jjj\kkkkk\ll\mm\nnnn\oo'.
01 wCnt comp-5 pic 9(04).
01 wInd pic 999 value zero.
display wDIR
inspect wDIR TALLYING wCnt for all "\"
compute wCnt = wCnt + 2
perform varying wInd from 3 by 1 until wInd > wCnt
*> following 4 lines are the solution ***********************
move function reverse(wDIR) to wDIR
inspect wDIR replacing characters by space before initial '\'
inspect wDIR replacing first '\' by space
move function reverse(wDIR) to wDIR
*> ***********************************************************
display wDIR
Last edit: Mickey White 2019-01-02
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
This is Windows OS (with MinGW), remember? Use path sizes with caution, mainly with versions below "Windows 10, version 1607" (with this version, apparently, the hardcoded MAX_PATH, which was 260, has been removed in this Windows version (this is good news). But we must repect legacy, mustn't we? So, "the directory name cannot exceed MAX_PATH minus 12" which is 248 :-)
The only exception to this is using mandatory UTF-16 paths with their very long paths which: "permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters" And we can use them with a string PIC N(65,534) : H'FFFE' and the proper WIDE system calls using WINAPI in GnuCOBOL :-).
Of course, and I didn't even see that silly thing (only after the Simon's comment on this).
One can use the TALLYING clause, but not with REPLACING.
GnuCOBOL must be pissed off :-)
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Hi Simon, you got it right ... and it would have been really nice to be able to do it.
I was intrigued by the syntax of the INSPECT verb that allows the use of a "function".
however in the manual a little further on it is also specified that
*If =f unction-reference-1 = is specified, it must be an invocation of an intrinsic function that returns a string result. Additionally, only the "TALLYING" clause may be specified.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Hi, to all the GnuCOBOLl gurus a question.
I have the following string C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddd\e\fffffff
I would like to get with a cobol statement the string
and then the string
and then the string
and then the string
For the moment I solved by looping through the string one character at a time from right to left. putting a blank until I meet the '\' character. But the question is as follows.
Is it possible to obtain this same result in a simpler way with an instruction or with a cobol function?
(the unstring does not seem to me suitable).
You should get a minimal better performance if you loop until you find the next "\" and then
MOVE SPACES TO field(strpoint:)
instead of moving a single space each time.Just for fun,
I'll not take any responsibility for any virus this code may have :-)
Mod edit to align fixed form highlighter
Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2018-12-31
Forgot the result:
This editor makes me a crazy person
Mod edit for style, and the going crazy part, it is crazy making
Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2018-12-31
This looks suspiciously like it could use a 'dirname' type intrinsic but alas none exists that I know of.
This conversation from a few years ago may be of interest ...
I have rolled my own 'dirname' and 'basename' functions which work fine but are really no more efficient than what you mention - looping from the end of the string back to the first seperator or position 1.
But even though that sounds inefficient consider this: iterative work is what computers do well and they do it very quickly. Unless you have a job that processes millions of strings, saving a few pico-seconds here and there is not worth spending 3 days writing the most efficient function known to man.
It took me decades to come to that realization but maybe I'm just hard-headed.
Good Luck in any case ...
This is just for future reference on a dirname, basename. And it really is cheating, I guess. But if counting cycles is not the priority (seriously, initiating this FLI is not cheap)
First the one liner
With the warnings about assumed divisions during compile dropped to the nul device...
Now a slightly more readable cut, but I'll admit to flailing a little. Python running on POSIX doesn't easily create Windows friendly demonstrations. You can't force a Windows style filename on a POSIX system, even if it just for display, at least not that I've found yet.
The C: is taken as part of the root in the POSIX case, but I was trying to mix something that doesn't want to mix given the OS the demo ran on.
Excuse the drift
Have good,
Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2018-12-31
I understand the novelty of being able to solve the problem by invoking other languages, but wouldn't it be just as easy to write a simple function in GC? I've found that mixing languages within an application is not without its risks. And future maintenance can be a problem if the alien language changes or becomes obsolete.
Even without the benefit of dynamic strings, GnuCOBOL has more than enough string functionality to perform this simple task. The user function can be made as simple or complex as the application needs. And like all good COBOL code, it can be used in all future applications.
Last edit: Rod Gobby 2018-12-31
True. That post was a drift.
And I was serious about the performance hit. If you profile or trace Python startup, it hits the filesystem something like 1,300 times as it searches for base imports; a very expensive routine that could be written to compile down to a few dozen machine instructions.
And yep, there should be more shareable COBOL library functions. And there are probably thousands of in-house closed COBOL solutions for breaking a pathname into components. Free software COBOL craves developments for public consumption.
I'd wager that COBOL as a good 40 years behind in sharing core algorithm code, relative to other standard and user written library archives. The vast majority of COBOL is closed, not discussed, and used in one shop at a time, debugged over decades. Repeated from scratch for each of thousands of shops.
So, we start in and try to add a couple of handy modules each; 10 years later it might look like a thing. Maybe,
I agree.
Eons ago, when I worked with 1960's mainframes, I quickly came to realize that, except for very rare situations, there is nothing to be gained in counting cpu cycles spent in user code. Even back then, we figured that at least 80-90% of the time was spent plodding around in the OS. Who knows what it is today, especially when OS code tends to be written in a high level language rather than Assembler.
Back in the mid 80s I patched the MS-DOS COBOL-80 runtime, with lots of assembler code, to enhance the SCREEN SECTION features and to replace the built-in ISAM with my own isam software. Speedwise, it made no difference.
These days, I replicate missing features using the same language that I'm using for the application. So now I'm using COBJAPI (lots of graphics overhead, no doubt) instead of a screen section, and my in-house isam is written in GnuCOBOL. And by adding about 10 lines of code to a module I can turn it into a class.
And guess what? I doesn't make any difference. My programs still work, my customers are still happy, and the sun still rises in the morning (except in Ontario, where we haven't seen the sun in months).
Last edit: Rod Gobby 2018-12-30
Thanks a lot to all of you but ... the question was different , as follows.
"Is it possible to obtain same result in a simpler way with only a cobol verb or with a cobol function? "
No matter of code performance ... just to have a simpler cobol source (if possible).
As I said "for the moment I solved by looping through the string one character at a time from right to left, putting a blank until I meet the '\' character ".
This is the code (from GC54FILEPICKER.COB in contribution\trunk\tools\TUI-TOOLS folder):
quite simple to write and to understand from anyone.
My goal is to have something like
or at least something like
If (as I understand) the verb INSPECT is not already suitable for that,
may be we can develop a GnuCOBOL extension ?
or (better) may be an extension to be proposed to a new COBOL standard ?
Hi Eugenio,
I understand you, but you can put your code in your own cobol function, then you have it.
Sure Laszlo, I know.
however, it would be an unnecessary function if there is a solution with the cobol verbs.
this was my question.
I got the idea from the various posts that were sent (thx to all of you) and after some tests I found a solution that seems to me simple and clean.
I will show you here the source code cobol for those interested.
In the screenshot are the results.
Nice, and short !
See? Even stupid code can help to get new ideias :-)
Same results with:
I do not know why but strangely this does not work but it should
(the compiler reports syntax error, may be is it a bug ?)
How come?
I've already used an older version of GC from Arnold Trembley and it runs as expected!
MM@PIMM64A: set_env
Setting environment for GnuCOBOL 2.0 RC-2 with MinGW binaries
(GCC 5.3.0, PDcurses 3.4, GMP 6.1.1, VBISAM 2.0)
cobc (GnuCOBOL) 2.0.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Ron Norman, Simon Sobisch, Edward Hart
Built Dec 05 2016 02:28:01
Packaged Nov 06 2016 22:36:19 UTC
C version "5.3.0"
MM@PIMM64A: cobc -x t.cbl
NOTE: I created a brand new source name to "t.cbl" (with copy/paste) and removed your "pdcurses" line/column from the "DISPLAY" statements.
It seems to be ok to me :-)
Edit: Original post - which will be in email, elided as not on the right track
Yes it should work, and I'm pretty sure the root solution is adding a parser option to some verbs with source fields in the syntax, and let the compiler allow source field or function.At least that is first guess at how complex adding function sources to the verbs that don't currently compile with intrinsics would be.
Or, it could be a delicate beast of a change to the parse tree, with delicate and exponentional effect on the generated parser.c and I'll admit trepidation in the not knowing.
This is really nice code by the way, Eugenio.
Umm, hrmm,
There is a REPLACING action, here. Intrinsic function results are not in-place modifiable as far as I understand, they are not receiving fields.
My orginal post was a recollection of long past days; the syntax for that inspect will allow for function result as source data, but the compiler is not allowing a write back to the transient result data space.
I think.
Have good,
Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2019-01-02
Well, resuming, "He has made a big shi(f)t" meanwhile!!! Chronologicaly, the older screenshot from 3 hours ago is the very same I got "now". The problem came after the "screenshot". So, ...
TEST, TEST AND TEST!!! And then, test again!!! As if I was going to do that, meh :-)
The next try will be the string size!!!
As aI was expecting:
"C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd\e\fffffff\g\hhhhh "
"C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd\e\fffffff\g " ''C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd\e\fffffff "
"C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd\e "
"C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc\ddddddddddddddd "
"C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb\cc "
"C:\aaa\bbbbbbbb "
"C:\aaa "
"C: "
NOTE: One must edit to see the trailing SPACES. Even this damn editor has the hability to make assumptions with strings between quotes :-)
There's no problem though (we have the TRIM function) :-)
Last edit: Mário Matos 2019-01-02
Allow for larger directory path name...
Last edit: Mickey White 2019-01-02
This is Windows OS (with MinGW), remember? Use path sizes with caution, mainly with versions below "Windows 10, version 1607" (with this version, apparently, the hardcoded MAX_PATH, which was 260, has been removed in this Windows version (this is good news). But we must repect legacy, mustn't we? So, "the directory name cannot exceed MAX_PATH minus 12" which is 248 :-)
The only exception to this is using mandatory UTF-16 paths with their very long paths which: "permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters" And we can use them with a string PIC N(65,534) : H'FFFE' and the proper WIDE system calls using WINAPI in GnuCOBOL :-).
Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces
Of course, and I didn't even see that silly thing (only after the Simon's comment on this).
One can use the TALLYING clause, but not with REPLACING.
GnuCOBOL must be pissed off :-)
I think you meant that
should work, correct? As Brian already said all functions create a value so they can only be source fields, not a target.
The message current GnuCOBOL gives is:
Which is a nice and clean error message, isn't it?
@Eugenio: please drop a note if I've understood correctly what you meant.
Hi Simon, you got it right ... and it would have been really nice to be able to do it.
I was intrigued by the syntax of the INSPECT verb that allows the use of a "function".
however in the manual a little further on it is also specified that
Typo from previous "Anonymous" mail:
Replace "PIC N(65,534)" with "PIC X(65,534)"