
Using sub-program differently

  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2021-11-28

    I was wondering how I could access a sub-program differently. I currently have a object program that contains a number of programs in the file. I then linked that object with a program using those sub-programs. I would like to make it simple then linking it together by creating a dll/so..

    I thought I could use the ENTRY command, but not sure. However, I really do not understand how to do that or whatever make sense.

    Rich Di Iulio

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-11-28

      This question is unclear to me: What do you mean with "accessing a sub program"? Is this about sub programs in general, multiple programs in one source or (with linking them together) in one executable or about nested programs?
      Please share your module layout and we may be able to "suggest some things".

  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2021-11-29

    Attached is the source code and copybooks.


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