
STM32Fxx templates

  • Virag Varga

    Virag Varga - 2015-02-14

    I've just tried the plugin with the STM32Fxx template. I was wondering why does the project have a different layout concept than what the official STM32 firmware suggests. And also, where are these hardware files coming from? I've read that they're partly coming from the manufacturer - however I didn't find those files on the manufacturer webpage. Could you just explain me why did you choose this template format / project layout?

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    a different layout concept

    you mean grouping by type first and by package next, like include/xyz and src/xyz, versus xyz/include and xyz/src?

    because this is the solution generally used on POSIX machines for multi-libraries installed in a single location, where headers are installed in places like /usr/local/include/xyz.

    in this case, if something like '#include "xyz/header.h" is used for all libs, only a single path like "-I/usr/local/include" must be passed to the compiler.

    similarly, if all sources are below src, like src/xyz, only a single folder (src) must be configured as a source folder for the managed build configuration.

    the alternative requires to add one include path for each library (-I/somewhere/xyz/include) and one path for the source folder.

    where are these hardware files

    for STM, the StdPeriph libraries were used before the migration to HAL.