
GNU Health 3.6 series released !

Dear community:

I am very proud to announce the release of the GNU Health 3.6 series !

This version is the result of many developments and integration of ideas from the community.

We are now 11 years old. We should all be very proud because not only we have built the best Libre Health and Hospital Information System, but we have created a strong, committed and friendly international community around it.
What is new in GNU Health 3.6 series

  • Both GNU Health client and server are now in Python3
  • Remove Python2 support
  • GH HMIS server uses Tryton 5.0 LTS kernel (5 year support)
  • Client is based on Tryton GTK client 5.2
  • Automation on the GH Federation queue management
  • Integration to Orthanc DICOM server
  • Pages of Life models fully integrated with patient evaluation & GH Federation
  • GNU Health camera plugin integrated with the latest OpenCV
  • GH Client uses GI. Removed pygtkcompat.
  • GH Federation HIS has been migrated from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • New demo database downloader
  • Thalamus uses now uwsgi as the default WSGI
  • SSL is the default method for Thalamus and the GH Federation

Upgrading from GNU Health 3.4

  • Make a FULL BACKUP your kernel, database and attach directories !!!
  • Follow the instructions on the Wikibooks
  • Read specific instructions found under scripts/upgrade/3.6 of the main source installation tarball, an apply the scripts in the specified order.

Development focus

In addition of the GH HMIS server, we will focus the development in the following areas of the GNU Health ecosystem:

  • The GNU Health Federation Portal
  • The mobile client
  • Interoperability

The GH Federation Portal has already started. It is a VueJS application and provides a single point of entry for individuals, health professionals and epidemiologists to the GNU Health Information system.

The GNU Health Federation now receives information coming from many health institutions and people from a region or country. The GH Federation portal will allow to manage resources, as well as the main point for analytics and reporting of massive amount of demographics health data generated nationwide. People, health centers and research institutions (eg genomics already can enjoy the benefits from the GNU Health Federation.

The mobile client (MyGNUHealth) development will remain in QT and will be focus on KDE plasma mobile technology, and run in Libre mobile operating systems and devices (such as Pine64). We need fully libre mobile devices if we want to preserve privacy in healthcare.

As far as Interoperability goes, GNU Health is now very interoperable. It uses open coding standards, as well as open formats (XML, JSON, .. ) to exchange messages. We currently have support for read operations in HL7 FHIR for a number of resources. Needless to say, we are open to other open standard communities that are willing to integrate to GNU Health.

Last but not matter how hard we try to avoid them, there will be bugs, so please test the new system, upgrade process, languages, and give us your feedback via them via

Happy and Healthy Hacking !

Dr. Luis Falcon, M.D.
President, GNU Solidario
GNU Health: Freedom and Equity in Healthcare
GNUPG Fingerprint :ACBF C80F C891 631C 68AA 8DC8 C015 E1AE 0098 9199

Posted by Luis Falcon 2019-11-11

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