
GNU Health 3.2.0 released !

Dear community

I am proud to announce the release of GNU Health 3.2 series !

It's been over a year of hard work, integrating the latest in
technology and Social Medicine into GNU Health.

This versions incorporates many cool features, some of them are :

  • Tryton 4.2 integration
  • All GNU Health packages are now written in Python 3
  • Enhanced support for Calendar and WebDAV system
  • Updated Crypto packages
  • Link lab orders with health services
  • Better language and localization, that optimizes translation for
    regional languages
  • Add code39 to lab tests
  • Include the Domicilary Unit address in the main person information
  • Improved gnuhealth-setup and gnuhealth-control programs
  • Patient, Medicament and Services can now be activated / deactivated

New Modules
health_ems : Emergency and Ambulances Management
health_insurance : Insurance management and pricelists
health_genetics_uniprot : Uniprot DB for thousands of genetic natural
variants and phenotypes
health_crypto_lab : Digital signatures for lab orders
* health_services_lab : Integrate lab orders into services

== The GNU Health Federation ==
In addition to all these new features and enhancements, probably the
most revolutionary and exciting feature of the GNU Health project at
this time is the GNU Health Federation.

The GNU Health Federation goal is to make a distributed network of
multiple, heterogeneous nodes. The main components are :

  • The GNU Health Information System (on MongoDB)
  • The GNU Health Thalamus (Message and Authentication Server).
  • The participating nodes : GNU Health HMIS, mobile applications,
    research centers, etcetera.

The GNU Health Federation will produce more quality information and at
a better pace. It will also separate the traditional GNU Health HMIS
transactional and operational model, from the analytic model that will
be taken by the GNU Health Information System on a document database

The GNU Health Federation, the Health Information System will also
provide a unique ID and unique history per person. No data isolation,
and no data duplication. The demographics and medical history of people
will updated in realtime, and people will be able to go from one center
to the other in the region or country, knowing that all the relevant
information will be at timely updated in any center she or he visits.

The GNU Health Federation components (eg, Thalamus), will have
their own development process, so they can be integrated with each of
the other GNU Health projects without blocking each other.

GNU Health 3.2 will be the first release where we could start focusing
on the GNU Health Information

New model for translations

GNU Health takes the approach of derivative languages, which will
simplify the localization effort. Basically, for languages who have
many strings in common, will only have to work on those strings that
differ from a main source. Let's take the example of Spanish. The new
approach will work in the following way:
- One source language "es"
- Many derivative / regional languages (es_ES, es_AR, es_PE, es_VE ...).

Until now, each derivative language had, except the local terminology,
the same strings as the source. That makes localization harder to
maintain, and larger in size. The new method allow the translators to
focus on the main source language, greatly improving the quality of the
translation, and without uplication.

Summary of Upgrade steps

  • Make a full backup your kernel, database and attach directories !
  • Follow the instructions on the Wikibooks.
  • Upgrade the instance
  • Apply the SQL script "upgrade_32.sql" found under scripts/upgrade/3.2
    of the main source installation tarball.

No matter how hard we try to avoid issues, there will be bugs, so
please test the new system, upgrade process, languages, ... and please
report them via

Enjoy Freedom in Healthcare !

Dr. Luis Falcon, M.D., BSc
President, GNU Solidario
GNU Health: Freedom and Equity in Healthcare
GNUPG Fingerprint :ACBF C80F C891 631C 68AA 8DC8 C015 E1AE 0098 9199

Posted by Luis Falcon 2017-07-12

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