
GNU Health Academia at United Nations Univers

(The original post and pictures can be found here : )

I finally found some time to summarize GNU Health Academia at the United Nations University, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during the last week of June. The workshop was a success and I had a great time in KL !

The workshop was held at the International Institute of Global Health (IIGH), where I had the opportunity to train the United Nations team in GNU Health concepts, both from the functional and technical point of view.

In the workshop, we worked on the installation and customization of GNU Health, as well as in implementation concepts.

I also showed them the new developments and GNU Health on Tryton, a very solid, scalable and, most importantly, a truly free, community-based platform.

Many thanks to Dr. Nurhizam Safie, Dr. Mohamed Salleh, Dr. Syed Aljunid and all the International Institute of Global Health (UNU-IIGH) team from the IIGH, for their hospitality and for embracing Free Software to improve the lives of the underserved around the globe.

The GNU Health Academia at the United Nations University is in the context of collaboration among UNU-IIGH and GNU Solidario to improve healthcare with free software and capacity building.

You can find the GNU Health training 2011 event at the UNU-IIGH portal:

** About the United Nations University **

The UN University is dedicated to the generation and transfer of knowledge, and the strengthening of individual and institutional capacities in furtherance of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

The mission of UN University is to contribute, through collaborative research, capacity development, and advisory services to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States.

Web Page :

** About GNU Health **

GNU Health (formerly known as "Medical") is a free (GPL license), Health and Hospital Information System that provides the following functionality :

- Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
- Hospital Information System (HIS)
- Health Information System

GNU Health is part of GNU Solidario ( ) . GNU Solidario is a NGO that delivers education and health to emerging economies with free software.

Main site :

Governments hosting Medical through their portals :
- European Commission (EU) , OSOR
- Brazil: Portal do Software Público Brasileiro (SPB) :

Posted by Luis Falcon 2011-07-22

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