> If you installed GNU-Darwin from the CD, you should have been prompted to set up your networking on the first boot up. If for
> some reason you would like to do that again, simply log in as root, and type "~/gd-setup -n". If you installed from Apple's CD,
> then OpenDarwin has an excellent howto on network configuration.
I installed GNU-Darwin Distribution x86 Darwin-6.6.1 from a CD I bought from proclus@gnu-darwin.org for $15 + $5 S&H.
On my system, ~/gd-setup -n responds
gd-setup: Command not found
Where ~ expands to /var/root
In my recollection, gd-setup refers to an earlier version of the system
installation disc.
I use the following script to set up my networking at boot time, which
you can adapt to your own situation. This is probably best for your
version of Darwin.
There is are more generalized setup scripts at the following addresses,
but they might not work very well with your Darwin version. You should
have a look at them before running them, in order to make sure that
they do what you want. They are quite similar, but gdNet-install is
more recent.
At: http://www.gnu-darwin.org/index.php?page=faq-usage#6
Someone wrote:
6. How do I set up networking in GNU-Darwin?
> If you installed GNU-Darwin from the CD, you should have been prompted to set up your networking on the first boot up. If for
> some reason you would like to do that again, simply log in as root, and type "~/gd-setup -n". If you installed from Apple's CD,
> then OpenDarwin has an excellent howto on network configuration.
I installed GNU-Darwin Distribution x86 Darwin-6.6.1 from a CD I bought from proclus@gnu-darwin.org for $15 + $5 S&H.
On my system, ~/gd-setup -n responds
gd-setup: Command not found
Where ~ expands to /var/root
Also, at http://www.gnu-darwin.org/index.php?page=faq-usage#6
The link: OpenDarwin has an excellent howto on network configuration. -> http://www.opendarwin.org/doc/en/articles/network_config/network_config.php
Provides the gloomy notice: "OpenDarwin Shutting Down" -- not an encouraging sign.
-Stewart http://us.imdb.com/Name?Stewart+Dickson
> gd-setup: Command not found
In my recollection, gd-setup refers to an earlier version of the system
installation disc.
I use the following script to set up my networking at boot time, which
you can adapt to your own situation. This is probably best for your
version of Darwin.
route delete default
ifconfig en0 up
route add default
hostname gd-shell-02
echo 'nameserver' >/etc/resolv.conf
echo 'nameserver' >>/etc/resolv.conf
There is are more generalized setup scripts at the following addresses,
but they might not work very well with your Darwin version. You should
have a look at them before running them, in order to make sure that
they do what you want. They are quite similar, but gdNet-install is
more recent.
BTW, you can add users with them too. ;-}
> Also, at http://www.gnu-darwin.org/index.php?page=faq-usage#6
> The link: OpenDarwin has an excellent howto on network configuration.
> -> http://www.opendarwin.org/doc/en/articles/network_config/network_config.php
> Provides the gloomy notice: "OpenDarwin Shutting Down" -- not an encouraging
> sign.
No kidding!
Visit proclus realm! http://proclus.tripod.com/
Version: 3.1
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