
GNOX - Game NO X / News: Recent posts

GNOX update online

The new release of gnox, including new graphics, animations, sounds, monster, maps, special attacks, magic attacks, etc. is now online and available for download. Have fun!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-09-05

New screenshot

I just uploaded a screenshot from the new maps I am working on at the moment. The hero will have to fight his way through new landscapes like a desert, huge grasslands and a lake landscape. Release will be soon. Enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-08-30

Working on new content

There will hopefully be a new release with some new content within the next few weeks. Enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-07-12

Choose your destiny ...

The story has just begun: But what happens after the hero somehow crashes on the surface of a strange world and meets a dodgy alien race? Does he encounter a Kellogg's eating monster raving through the jungle? Is there a (alien) princess he has to rescue? Does he eventually make his way back home? What do you think will happen? Send me your ideas!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-06-15

Millenium download

The first 1000 downloads from Thank you, that's really motivating!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-06-14

Improving the game

There will be a lot of buxfixes and improvements in the next release of the game as well as a new playable level. Please report any stability or performance problems to me. Enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-06-06

New release now online

The new release of gnox is now online! Enjoy the first quest, including new magic powers, special attacks, a mysterious alien race and much more ...
For complete changelog, please refer to the readme file within the game.

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-05-22

Release this week

The new version will most probably be released this week. It's nearly done. *Puh*

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-05-21

First quest and savegames

In the upcoming release, a first quest and the encounter with an alien race will be included.
Please note that old savegames wont be compatible with the new version. If you want to continue playing your old characters, contact me so that I can give you a short walkthrough how to convert the old savegames.

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-05-14

Alien race

At the moment, I focus on developing an alien race populating the planet. So hopefully there will be some major updates within the next weeks.

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-04-26

Starting the story

Okay, there will be at least one major update within the next weeks. Right now I am developing the alien race the hero meets within the first part of the game. Enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-04-23

Finally a new release

Hello all, there will be a new release tomorrow, including basic sounds, music and some enhancements. Sorry for the long time between this and the last update!

Posted by Max Gulde 2007-04-01

Update delayed

I am very sorry to admit that there will probably be no update in August, but in September. Enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-08-04

Next update in July or August

Next gnox update will be hopefully at the end of July or beginning of August. Will include some bugfixes and new maps, graphics, sounds, monsters, items, ...

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-07-09

Less files, more fun!

Hi there! If you just want to play GNOX, you do not need to download the binaries, the config files, and the sound and graphic files separately. It is now all included in the file. Enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-06-20

GNOX beta 0.35.00 released

Several bugfixes, new maps, new graphics, read the release notes for more information. Added new screenshots. Enjoy the game!

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-06-18


I am doing a lot of bug-fixing at the moment. Hopefully, there will be a less buggier release with proper level design within the next few days.

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-06-14

Little update

I made a few little changes for the last update and uploaded it. There are some new objects, a simple fight and other smaller issues. Have fun!

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-06-11

Yeah, first level done!

The new release is uploaded. It includes some updates and bugfixes, lots of new graphics and the first level of the game - enjoy!

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-05-27

Update a.s.a.p.

Next update will be released as soon as possible (does not say anything, does it?). Hopefully within the next few days ...

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-05-27

Major update on May 26th

Due to some computer problems (yes, i know: again) the next release of gnox will be available for download at the end of May.

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-05-03

GNOX at rank four

When entering "gnox" as search term in, the 4th link is from where you can download the game. I was rather surprised about that. The problem is that the link points to an older version of GNOX and only the main files are downloadable.

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-03-30

Creating flora and fauna models

Now that the basic game engine is ready to rock, there is a lot of modeling to do. At the moment, I try to build a few alien plants which will grow over the several maps and dungeons. Therefor, I am open for any suggestion.

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-03-27

GNOX entered beta phase

After a long time of coding, GNOX finally entered its beta phase. From now one, development will focus one graphics, sounds and story editing.

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-03-25

Editor coding finished

The editor to design gnox maps is now finished. From now on, I will concentrate on doing some modeling to populate the world in the game. The next release will probably be the first beta-release.

Posted by Max Gulde 2006-03-23