

manpage (1)
De Girardi Manuel

-- file name : gnostic.1.txt
-- description : manpage of gnostic project.

-- Args :
Help: gnostic [ Options [ Parameters ] ]
Help: Options :
-F : Configuration filename => Wide_String
this name is used to open Configuration text file named in argmument

-h : print this message =>
print this message

-v : print the edition version =>
print the version of program

-n : Name length max => Name_Index_Type
the max char of name_type for source files names.

-u : Units max => Unit_Index_Type
the max unit loaded by liobrary.

-c : Line length max => Char_Index_Type
the max char for Ada strings.

-V : Language version => Version_Index_Type
the version of Ada

-o : Object max => Objetcs_index_type
-- not used.

-p : Self programming => Boolean
if is True, the program generate a project name.
not implemented.

-e : Self Executed => Boolean
if is True, the program runnig automaticly - or semi automaticly.

-w : Self wait => Duration
that's an duration delay for the system temporization

-W : User wait => Duration
That'ss an duration delay for user temporisation.

-l : Human Language I18 abrev => Human_Lang_Enum
not used.

-g : with GtkAda => Boolean
if is true, GtkAda is loaded.

-a : with Ada => Boolean
if is true Ada is loaded

-s : with AWS => Boolean
if is true AWS is loaded.