
iBulletin / News: Recent posts

GnosisBB renamed!!

Months after the release of GnosisBB Beta 4, I have recoded it, and am going to re-release it under iBulletin!!

The first release (Alpha 1) you can only get here at sourceforger, and only if you see it.. so go test it out.

Posted by Jeremy Howard 2004-02-22

Beta 4 Released!

This version has security updates and now a admin center!!

Posted by Jeremy Howard 2003-04-21

Staff Needed

Im lookin for some good php/mysql programmers. if your interested, please email me at

Posted by Jeremy Howard 2003-04-16

Beta 2 Pre-Release Released!

Much anticipated, Beta 2 pre-Release is out! Whats this mean? O just that I've included the dump in this one and numerous bug fixes which fixes errors that wouldnt connect to the database! So download this and test it!


Posted by Jeremy Howard 2003-04-16

Beta 1 Release!

Well, Im releasing beta 1 to the public.. but not so you can test, its released so you can view the code. Theres no sql for it.. cause Im not gonna include it. Im gonna work on a page so I can get a site going.

Posted by Jeremy Howard 2003-04-14