
#74 Scrolling between chapters


[[This was already requested in request "[ 889422 ] scroll to new chapter", but it was closed with no resolution that I could see, so I wanted to reopen it.]]

Is it possible to enhance the display so that text from more than simply one chapter is visible at once? There are lots of good reasons for visibility across chapter lines (chapter breaks in unfortunate spots, wanting to select text from more than one chapter at a time, continuous reading, etc.). This is one of my biggest frustrations with GnomeSword and prevents me from using it exclusively.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-06-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I second this... although it's not so frustrating for me, it would be really nice.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-06-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    You could have buffer chapters, so that one chapter is loaded on either side of current chapter. This would not be too hard to implement.

    The only question is how do you continue loading without disrupting the flow of reading...
    or say you scroll back, you don't want to have too much loaded, and yet you don't want it continually reloading.

    Or how about this:

    You have a little >> arrow key thingy at the bottom, which when you click on it, loads the next chapters,
    and discards the last one.
    So you have a FIFO approach?

    o o o o | i i i | o o o o

    o's are chapters you can't see, and the i's are what you can see on the screen.

    It's an idea, if you don't already have one...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-21

    This is a must!
    The lack of this is preventing a flow in the search of the context of a verse or other.
    One workaround is to click the verse number found in the part of the chapter before and after the current chapter BUT, this figures are so tiny so I will spend a lot of time try to hit the figures.
    So a possibility to click something large close to "before" or "after" the current chapter is needed.
    Please, I will gladely donate for this feature!

  • Karl Kleinpaste

    Karl Kleinpaste - 2016-02-29
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->
  • Karl Kleinpaste

    Karl Kleinpaste - 2016-02-29

    closed here in sourceforge as we complete our move to github.
    use the Labels pulldown there to distinguish between bugs and enhancements ("feature requests").



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