eLTink - 2003-04-16

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I have a similar problem here right now.
TR shows greek, but without accentuation
or iota subscripts... is this a sword-feature
or Gnomesword specific?

Tisch doesn't display greek in Gnomesword,
does in Bibletime.

KJV displays strongs in BT, not in GS. GerLut
does in both.

BHS doesn't display hebrew.


P.S.: I'd like to offer some of my time towards
the project, like documentation or such, maybe
translation into German?

GS 0.7.9
BT 1.2.2
Slack 8.1
diggn:~# uname -a
Linux diggn 2.4.21-pre6 #7 Tue Apr 8 09:14:31 NZST 2003 i686
wm=fluxbox 0.1.14