

  • Boris Le Ninivin

    I've a new feature to submit: while hovering an empty textbox with the mouse, it could be cool if it were possible to set the number in the overflown textbox using the wheel (to scroll the digit up or down, counting 0 as start (0 = empty textbox)).

  • Bogdan Mata

    Bogdan Mata - 2011-02-03

    Cool message :D

    You completed the puzzle in 7 minutes 34 seconds (7 minutes 17 seconds active).
    You got 0 hints.

    How can this be possible (ubuntu 10.10)?

  • ilias iliadis

    ilias iliadis - 2011-03-27

    I also have some "requesting" features to submit.
    1. User can change (and save changes) the characters representing the digits and/or the font (for instance: #1. although I am a Greek I like to play sudoku with Chinese numbers #2. sometimes I want to play with some wingdings fonts #3. I do not want the starting numbers have different -bold- look from the ones I place).
    2. User can change (and save changes) of the colors used (eg. I do not want any background for background of starting numbers, and some colors -especially green- used for tracing are horrible).
    3. The statistics should have a button on the toolbar.
    4. My most used statistic  (when I play hard) is about the alternates-tries I have in a that specific game so I want to be able to have it indicated somewhere.
    5. when I click on new trace-memory, for first time, the icon with colored foot  increases the "label width" and that changes the size (including font size of digits). This should be done in a way that no change take place when clicking for first time on create new memory.
    6. (not so interesting) having an indicator in every row and column with a number indicating unfilled cells (this also with a save in conf option).

    (Sorry for inserting in that discussion but I prefer not to fill the forum with "Enhancement"s discussions.)


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