
Gnome MP3 / News: Recent posts

Internal Rewoeking!

The internal data-structures in gnome-mp3 have been (beautifully) rewritten to abstract the local fs away! Check it out!

Posted by Alex Fishman 2001-02-18

Exact copy of XMMS

I have good news!

gnome-mp3 has just crossed over the "hump." Now, no matter what happens in xmms, gnome-mp3 will find out, and then UPDATE ITS OWN LIST ACCORDINGLY!!! Wooo! Hooray!

Posted by Alex Fishman 2001-01-21

Playlist Syncing

Added a really cool new featurn, playlist syncing. Now, no matter what you do to your playlist in xmms, gnome-mp3 will hear about and update its own internal list.! Get a fresh cvs copy today!

Posted by Alex Fishman 2001-01-14

Fixed Horrible bug!

It turns out gnome-mp3 had a bug in it that caused it to segfault on startup for new users. Sorrry!!!

Posted by Alex Fishman 2001-01-10

New Playlist Support!

Gnome MP3 now has a whole slew of new playlist syncronization features as well as a new file Operations. These features include a clear (and customizable) display of the current track playing, and automatic trucation of the ".mp3" in the track name! Download and try it out now!

Posted by Alex Fishman 2001-01-08

Lots of New New Features

Gnome MP3 now includes support to display the track names without the pesky .mp3 at the end or the nn- at the beginning, but retains the proper ordering (and doesn't alter the file names on disk.) Also, Gnome MP3 beautifies the names, killing those pesky _'s in it's display while not affecting the local copy.


Posted by Alex Fishman 2001-01-05


The Gnome MP3 is now usable for anybody and everybody who is sick and tired of being sick tired of xmms, and the way it handles directories full of MP3s. So, if you or a loved one has thier MP3s in an Artist/Album/Track directory structure, give Gnome MP3 a whirl. At this point, please get the CVS version. It should build with no problems.


Posted by Alex Fishman 2000-12-30