

Ryan Shaw
  • Ryan Shaw

    Ryan Shaw - 2002-02-26

    How do transfers work? I assumed I could create a transfer entry in one account, choose another account, and it would show up in both, positive in one and negative in the other. But I don't see any way to do this. I see the TXFR transaction type is marked as "linked" but I don't see anyway to do the linking.

    • Darin Fisher

      Darin Fisher - 2002-02-27

      that is how it is supposed to work.  if it's not working that way for you, then it is most likely a bug :-(  can you tell me what version you are trying?  as well as what system you are on.  also, anymore details regarding how to reproduce the problem would be most appreciated since the problem you're describing is unexpected.  thx!!

      • Ryan Shaw

        Ryan Shaw - 2002-02-27

        well, i could just be doing something wrong.

        i've got two accounts, fuji and citibank, open in two windows. i create a TXFR entry in citibank for 200,000. in the "transfer from" box i type fuji. when i complete the entry i get +200,000 in citibank but no -200,000 in fuji.

        im using the debian package of gnofin 0.8.4-2 on a debian unstable 2.4.17 SMP box.

        • Darin Fisher

          Darin Fisher - 2002-03-06

          no.. most likely you've unconvered some bug in gnofin :-(  not sure when i'll have a chance to debug this.  i've unfortunately not been able to spend enough time on gnofin as of late :-(


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