When monitoring a low traffic interface (< 1KB/s) on the "Interface statistics" page, the chart display still uses "kB" as the traffic rate unit, despite the fact that it is actually means bytes per second.
I've made a quick fix to graph.py, in the LoadGraph::__text_size() operation. But that shouldn't be proper.
def __text_size(self):
""" Computes the size of the text and thus the left border """
val = self.maxval / self.__config.get_metric()
# hacked by Martin Kou
if self.maxval < 1024:
self.__config["data_metric"] = "B";
self.__config["data_metric"] = "kB";
if val == 0 and self.maxval != 0:
val = self.maxval
self.__str_max = "%d %s" % (val, self.__config["data_metric"])
self.__str_mid = "%d %s" % (val/2, self.__config["data_metric"])
LoadGraph.padding["left"] = self.__context.text_extents(self.__str_max)[2] + 10
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Thank you for submitting this bug report!
I was actually thinking about treating all traffic < 1 kB as 0...but I'll look into incorporating this new stuff into the existing codebase later today.
Keep tuned :-)
Logged In: NO
from my quick testing, it seems that your patch indeed works fine, committed in r. 125:
Thanks for your contribution!
[jakub@rincewin] gnm $ svn diff -r 124
Index: graph.py
--- graph.py (revision 124)
+++ graph.py (working copy)
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@
def __text_size(self):
""" Computes the size of the text and thus the left border """
val = self.maxval / self.__config.get_metric()
+ # hacked by Martin Kou
+ if self.maxval < 1024:
+ self.__config["data_metric"] = "B";
+ else:
+ self.__config["data_metric"] = "kB";
if val == 0 and self.maxval != 0:
val = self.maxval
Index: gnm.py
--- gnm.py (revision 124)
+++ gnm.py (working copy)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"Copyright (c) 2007 Jakub Hrozek",
"A network monitor for the GNOME desktop",
- [ "Jakub Hrozek (jhrozek@redhat.com)" ])
+ [ "Jakub Hrozek (jhrozek@redhat.com)", "Martin Kou (fix for SF ticket #1740639)" ])
def run():